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In Times of COVID, We Need This ‘Recession-Proof’ Hiring Solution

During the COVID-19 pandemic, HIRE Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: HIRE , Forum ) is proving to be highly resilient. HIRE recently achieved its best quarterly financial results with adjusted EBITDA of more than $50,000 and adjusted net earnings of more than $1...

VIDEO | A Top-Tier Solution for High Performance Computing Demands

  With the surging popularity for online gaming, especially eSports, a higher level of infrastructure is required, but sustaining a reliable backend is a serious challenge. Enter: AMPD Ventures Inc. Based in Vancouver, BC, AMPD was founded by industry ...

A New Solution for the Multibillion-Dollar Bladder Cancer Problem

Bladder cancer is the sixth-most prevalent cancer in North America and has a recurrence rate greater than 50%, making it the most expensive cancer to treat. All-in costs in the US are around $4 billion and roughly 80,000 new American cases are reported each year, with 350,000...

XPhyto Therapeutics: Are they Selling the Solution to Germany’s Rapid Testing Crisis?

The Germans call it COVID-19 “rapid testing mania”. But like most manias, it has opened up a Pandora’s box of problems. As the speed of the vaccine rollout program falters in Europe, on-the-spot antigen testing continues to be the ...

VIDEO: Plexus Tech Generates Energy & Money

Generating electricity has always been a profitable business, but when you add in the potential of crypto-mining, that value skyrockets. Investors might be surprised to learn that one of the best places to generate electricity is right here in Canada. The coun...

Discover Online Value Through Advanced Intelligence Functionality

There are more than three billion social media users around the world. A company can only truly reach its full potential if it understands the depth of its online presence to connect with this audience; one Canadian artificial intelligence and machine learning Company ...

A “Forward” Thinking Solution to the Way Industry Handles Wastewater

(Click image to play video.) Finding practical and long-term solutions to water sustainability is one of the planet’s most pressing needs. And one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in the 21 st century is access to abundant, clean water...

New Era for Ad-Tech Company as It Becomes Public and Grows Rapidly

This profitable small-cap company, which saw Q1 adjusted EBITDA increase 288% over the prior year, just announced landing a major client. In 2019, digital ad spend in the United States will surpass traditional ad revenues, according to eMarketer . It es...

Ready for Prime Time: Patriot One Technologies Partners with Tech Giants as Commercialization Begins

This small-cap firm's threat detection products have evolved from a single technology to a multi-sensor threat detection platform. With mass shootings becoming all too commonplace, Patriot One Technologies Inc. (PAT:TSX; PTOTF:OTCQX) has been working to develop a th...

How this company is transforming the immersive tech industry

The immersive technology market size continues generating traction with the market projected to reach US$159.94 billion in 2024, according to market research . In the coming years, it will continue increasing at a rapid rate to reach US$638.69 billion in 2028, represent...
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