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VIDEO: The Next-Gen Student App Targeting Untapped Market

(Click image to play video) Mijem Inc . is a Company that is ready to capitalize on Gen Z; a market with money to spend via either themselves or their parents providing funds to purchase university supplies, clothes, electronics, etc. T...

Rigged Market Socialism

As a child, I used to get quite excited at the prospect of having my English "Gran" read me the Hans Christian Andersen book "The Emperor's New Clothes." I found the tale fiendishly amusing, as the charlatan tailor uses lethal doses of flattery and mystery to beguile t...

Commodities sector has a new king

Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table staples - are surging due to bad weather around the world. But there's another commodity that's up big: It's surged ...

Make America Go Back to Work Again?

The world watches as a number of economies begin, or plan, to lift certain lockdown measures that were earlier put in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus. China may have been the first to do so when it reopened Wuhan, the industrial city of 11 million that wa...

Jayant Bhandari: East Asia Will Be a Post-Pandemic Success

In conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, Jayant Bhandari of Capitalism and Morality offers his take on what the post-COVID-19 world will look like. Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Jayant Bhandari, the founder of Capitalism & M...

What Investors Need to Know About This Digital Agency Specializing in uNFTs and the Metaverse

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been all the rage in 2021. If you’re not sure what they are, an NFT is a “one-of-a-kind” digital asset that is bought and sold like other pieces of property. Vancouver-based Looking Glass Labs Ltd. (...

Global Insanity Prevails

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand Why don't we start things off a tad differently this evening? Let me relate to you all a parable from the Book of Quantitative Easing where all is good and noble in the world of gov...

Reinventing the Internet: A Next-Generation Metaverse Opportunity

Welcome to the metaverse and a whole new world of possibilities. And at the forefront of this amazing technology is AMPD Ventures Inc . ( CSE.AMPD , OTCUS: AMPDF , Forum ) – a Vancouver BC-based company specializing in providing high-performance cloud and computer soluti...