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This Is What First Lagarde’s Speech Means for Gold

In November, Lagarde delivered her first speech as the ECB President. Will she follow in Draghi’s footsteps? But what should gold investors expect from her? Key Takeaways from Lagarde’s Speech Recently, we have focused on the U.S. econo...

Gold and the Cracks in the U.S., Japan and Germany’s Economic Data

Talk of a synchronized world - all three economic superpowers are in a recession! The U.S. suffers from industrial recession, Japan from export recession, while Germany may fall into a broad economic recession. Will the gold market warm up to these news? Recent U.S. Da...

Peniaphobia Prevails

(Peniaphobia: fear of poverty) This weekend, newsletter writers the world over are scrambling to explain to their paid subscribers why they are now showing losses in portfolios that were supposed to be showing gains, and especially because it was only two weeks ago t...

The Central Banks Are Preparing and So Should We Andy Schectman the President of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss how central banks are de-dol...

Danavation Technologies rapidly expands across North America

TMH: Driven by cutting-edge IoT automation technology and proprietary software, Danavation Technologies is the only electronic shelf label provider grounded and based in North America. The company has noted rapid expansion across Canada and the United States, providing c...

Silver options strategies that could be lucrative for investors

In last Wednesday's Money Morning special report on silver , several of our financial gurus projected higher prices ahead for "the other precious metal." Since then, silver has climbed about 5% -- hitting $43 an ounce yesterday (Monday). Silver is now nearing its record ...

Central Banks’ Gold Buying and Repatriation Spree

Central banks’ purchases and repatriations of gold have caught our attention once again. In October, Serbia’s central bank bought 9 tons of gold , following in the footsteps of many other central banks that have been adding to their gold reserv...

Will Central Banks Prevent Recession and Push Gold Down?

Will Central Banks Prevent Recession and Push Gold Down? Trade wars, geopolitical tensions and slowing economic indicators. Both the ECB and the Fed have recently cut interest rates to stimulate slowing growth, hoping to escape possible recession. Will they succeed? A...

Central Banks Fire Bazooka at Coronavirus. Will Gold Rally?

The new coronavirus has already infected the global economy. The global lockdown means that recession is inevitable. The central banks all over the world have stepped in, including the Fed, cutting interest rates and pumping liquidity into the system. We invite you thus ...

And Here Comes Whirlaway!: What Silver and the Horse Have in Common

Sector expert Michael Ballanger anticipates the come-from-behind winning run of silver. In the late 1930s, a young stallion was born in Lexington, Ky., at the legendary Calumet Farm, that went on to win seventeen major races from 1940–1942, including the Triple Crown (Kent...
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