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Market Confidence Muting VIX Levels

Our researchers, at The Technical Traders Ltd, as identified a unique price to volatility relationship and that VIX index. The calculations required to compute the VIX index are composed of a number of factors. That final value of the VIX index is reported on an annualized bas...

NuLegacy Gold Receives Strong Vote of Confidence in Value of Its Flagship Red Hill Project in ...

NuLegacy Gold Receives Strong Vote of Confidence in Value of Its Flagship Red Hill Project in Nevada's Cortez Trend In late April, Metalla Royalty & Streaming acquired two royalties, one of which was a Gross Overriding Royalty (GOR) on NuLegacy Gold Corporation...

Market News Report: December 30, 2019 – January 3, 2020

It was not surprising that the last week was pretty quiet on the financial markets. We saw a positive trading action again as stocks, oil continued their uptrend. Will the coming week bring some interesting news events? Let’s take a look at the details. The ...

Homebuilding stocks are in for a nasty surprise

"You can't believe how screwed up things are down here… " This weekend, I met up with a real estate expert, M, from South Florida. M specializes in REO. REO stands for "Real Estate Owned." Banks lend money to homeowners. Sometimes homeowners don't make their int...

Market News Report: February 24, 2020 - February 28, 2020

The financial markets have been fluctuating for most of the last week. Then on Friday we got worse-than-expected PMI numbers release, and corona virus fears reappeared ahead of the weekend. So markets went risk-off again. This week we will have some important economic data rel...

The Important Economic News Calendar: September 23 – September 27, 2019

Starting this week, we will publish the weekly economic news calendar. It will be released on Monday morning and will include the key news releases broken down into different markets for the convenience of readers. So let’s take a look at the possible market-mo...

Market News Report: January 27, 2020 – January 31, 2020

Not that much happened on the financial markets last week. Stocks extended their uptrend while the price of gold went sideways. Everyone seemed to be waiting for this week’s Wednesday’s FOMC Statement release. But there will be more interesting ...

Market News Report: March 30, 2020 - April 3 2020

Last week’s Thursday’s Unemployment Claims number release has been a real eye-opener for the financial markets. The scheduled economic data releases may show coronavirus crisis impact on the economy. So, markets will likely pay more attention to...

Market News Report: April 27, 2020 - May 1, 2020

Last week’s economic data releases have revealed more coronavirus damage to the economy. Thursday’s weekly Unemployment Claims number has surpassed 4 million, but it was lower than the week before. We’ve also seen some weak PMI...

April 1st 2020, Crypto Chartbook: You snooze you lose

You snooze you lose The required skill level to prosper trading is treading light footed. This is only possible with confidence. Confidence comes from a knowing. Knowing settles in after a long time of experience. However any professional can get shaken up, hence the sayi...
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