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Brent Cook | Speculators Must Have Boots on the Ground

Brent Cook of Exploration Insights sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the positives and negatives of the mining sector in 2020. Mr. Cook will address the importance for every speculator to have boots on the ground via site visits. Find ...

Where are Gold and Silver Headed in 2020?

(Click image to play video) Silver and gold have certainly been trending in the right direction lately. Stockhouse Media's Cindy Broad met up with CEO Brad Cooke of Endeavour Silver Corp . ( TSX.EDR , NYSE:EXK , Forum ) to discuss the Company and its many excit...

The V-Recovery and Beyond

Summary: In the months since the COVID-19 crash began, stock prices have been on a wild ride in anticipation of a tsunami of poor economic data. However, some investors appear to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel including McAlinden Research Partners (MRP)...

The Hottest Startup Of 2020 Is Cleaning Up Your Commute

Impact Investing. That's what they're calling it… And it's a movement that has grown by over 600% in the past decade. In fact, there are over $30 trillion in assets under management in portfolios with a focus on sustainable investments…and the revolution is showing no ...

Coronavirus And The Coming Financial Revolution

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest and unprecedented seismic shifts in the global economy that we've ever seen in modern history, and it's just getting started. Already, economies around the world are shutting down. The federal reserve has pumped trillions int...

The coming supply crunch

As I write and you read, the world economy is getting pummeled, one blow after another, by demand destruction, as economies grind to a screeching halt due to unprecedented restrictions on economic and social activity owing to the relentless spread of the covid-19 coronavirus...

New Century Resources, Alcidion Group, Telix Pharmaceutical, Marley Spoon - emerging ASX companies

The Australian stock exchange, which is based in Sydney, has been called the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) since 2006. Since 1987, the trading place for securities has been located at this central location. Previously, the business with investments in various cities was...

PlantX Life: Must-see Investor Update with CEO Julia Frank

(Click image to play video) They truly have become “the digital face of the plant-based community” and they’re called Plant-X Life Inc. (VEGA) ( CSE.VEGA , Forum ) – a one-stop-shop and distribution company with a fast-gr...

SSR Mining: I Hear They've Got A Taiga By The Tail In Sask.!

Tigers. Raaa! The exploration industry loves tigers! Tigers are used as a metaphor in the exploration industry to describe something big -- something fierce -- something rare. Whenever geologists think they're onto a BIG and VALUABLE new discovery they...

Should you buy SLV the silver ETF?

Charts presented in this report are courtesy Featured is the daily bar chart for SLV. Price has risen for five days, but volume has not yet supported the rise. This lack of volume could be because more and more people are becoming aware of the f...
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