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Oil & Gas Midstream MLP Offers 'Multiyear Financial Performance/Flexibility'

A recap of Q4/19 and the outlook for 2020-2021 are provided in a Raymond James report. In a Jan. 31 research note, Raymond James analyst Justin Jenkins reported that for Phillips 66 Partners LP (PSXP:NYSE) , "upside in Q4/19 set the pace for 2020 visibility...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Tax Loss Season: Let’s Talk Health & Mining

Tax-loss season is already on the minds of investors. This is the time of year when some feel compelled to dump their losers – and lock-in losses. It has been a hot topic on the Bullboards, with HEXO Corp. ( TSX: HEXO , Forum ) at the forefront, as the cannabis produce...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Updates from Nevada Copper, BlackBerry, Tilray

The past week has been a roller-coaster ride for the TSX . Volatility was the theme as the market saw dramatic rises and falls, influenced by global economic data, corporate earnings and geopolitical developments. In the face of this tumultuous backdrop, three stocks hav...

China’s Actions to Jumpstart a New Industrial Sector in US & Canada

Byron King, Managing Editor The Fire Bell Is Ringing! Hi Byron, ...

A Petroleum Co. That’s Poised & Positioned to Help Fill the Global Energy Void

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shone a bright light on the need for the west – particularly Europe – to find alternative sources of energy and to break its dependence on Russian oil and natural gas. That’s where companies like ShaMaran Petroleum C...

Uranium sector won’t catch a break

One week ago Cameco announced it will maintain low output levels until uranium prices recover. The Canadian uranium miner also said it might cut production further , having already closed four mines in Canada and laid off 2,000 of its workers in the uranium mining hub of Sa...