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2021: A Breakout Year for Uranium Investments?

(Image via Anfield Energy Inc.) The Athabasca Basin is perhaps best known as the world’s leading source of high-grade uranium and currently supplies about 20% of the world’s uranium. It is a region in the Canadian Shield that enco...

BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - the license to print money

Those who solve problems or create desires can usually earn a lot of money. One of the most important requirements is that the solution is scalable and can be sold in large quantities. The solutions around the Corona pandemic are a particularly lucrative business, because ther...

The future of the textile marketplace

Countries manufacturing textiles will likely acquire a healthy dose of revenue into their economy. According to , the population is increasing to 9.5 billion, with the global apparel market reaching over $2 trillion by 2025. Given the massive gr...

Gold Mining Stocks Flip from Losses to 5x Leveraged Gains!

The gold price made a new 2020 high today and looks poised to take out the nominal all-time high around $1,920 and then challenge $2,000 in the months ahead. Some are even estimating that gold could climb to $3,000 by year-end on account of the nearly $10 trillion in new mon...

Three business reasons companies need to recycle e-waste

Author: Lane Simond . The most common narrative about recycling electronics is that it is better for the environment, but business owners have even more reasons to make sure their outdated technology gets into the hands of a reputable recycler. Three reasons to...

Iron ore price rise has China, Europe worried

Iron ore negotiations have ground to a halt - again. Iron ore producers and consumers were so far apart last year that negotiations on pricing broke down entirely. No price benchmark was reached between major Australian iron ore miners and China's steel mills. ...

Allakos Shares Double on AK002 Phase 2 Results and Earnings

Allakos Inc. shares are soaring today as the company reported Q2/19 earnings and announced positive results from its phase 2 study for its AK002 inhibitor used in the treatment of eosinophil and mast cell related diseases. Clinical stage biotech company Allak...

Q3/19 Active, 2020 Outlook Positive for Canadian Oil Company

The producer's Q3/19 financial and operating results are reviewed in an iA Securities report. In an Oct. 31 research note, iA Securities analyst Michael Charlton reported that Whitecap Resources Inc.'s (WCP:TSX) Q3/19 production was a beat and its new joint...

Total SA Institutes Action Plan for $30/Barrel Oil

Shares of Total SA traded 14% higher today after the firm reported that has implemented a company-wide action plan to address the sharp decrease in oil prices. Integrated oil and gas company Total S.A. (TOT:NYSE) , today announced its immediate action pla...

BAT, Barrick Gold, Osino Resources: Supposed political risks, a burden, and an opportunity

Businesses, like citizens, operate within the regulatory framework. In this way, the state guarantees peaceful coexistence. But what if the legal framework changes? It is easy for individuals to adapt to new circumstances. It can be more challenging for companies - for example...
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