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Gold and the Debasement of Currency Con

It is reasonably well known that many Roman emperors debased their currency (coinage). This was a very bad practice, since it is really a reflection of the debasement of the value of the kingdom (empire or country); going from a honest and just society to a corrupt and unjust ...

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas - really good companies with potential

Imagine that the next time you go to a petrol station, you are allowed to specify where the fuel is to come from. Would you rather choose Canada or a country that uses the proceeds from oil deals to buy weapons to threaten the local population or neighbors? People are always s...

NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas, VARTA - which energy share is the best?

Energy sources and storage facilities are topics of the present and future. The more modern a society is, the higher the priority of cleanliness and moral innocuousness. Mobility in rich countries is undergoing change. In conurbations, the aim is increasingly being pursue...

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - why this share is now interesting

The Corona pandemic is still keeping politics and business busy. The restrictions in everyday life are causing many changes for people. An end to the situation is not yet in sight and therefore great hope is being placed in the development of a vaccine against Covid-19. Those ...

Jayant Bhandari: East Asia Will Be a Post-Pandemic Success

In conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, Jayant Bhandari of Capitalism and Morality offers his take on what the post-COVID-19 world will look like. Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Jayant Bhandari, the founder of Capitalism & M...

Apple, Enthusiast Gaming, Lufthansa - Profiteers, victims and opportunities

Since the outbreak of the corona virus and its subsequent spread, more and more countries and regions have had to pass sanctions to contain the risk of infection. The first country to be affected was China, the country of origin of Covid-19, the current corona virus. With dras...

$2 trillion infrastructure plan will require mega metals

The White House and Congress finally agreed to put their significant differences aside and work together on something constructive, no pun intended. On Wednesday it was announced that President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders plan to spend $2 trillion on US roa...

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - Revenue and profit increase significantly

The oil price continues to gain momentum and is still trading around 40% below the January 2020 level, and now the right stocks are in the spotlight. In addition to the well-known major oil producers such as BP ( NYSE: BP ) and Shell ( NYSE: RDS.A ), there are also successful ...

Gazprom, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - Winners of a supply chain law

In recent weeks, the German media have frequently reported on a so-called supply chain law. The aim of such a law is to ensure that German companies respect human rights and protect the environment in the procurement of materials and products. The world should become a bette...

China’s Social Credit System - It’s Coming to the United States

In 2015, a 16-year-old student from Jiangsu, China, tried to board a train. She couldn’t even purchase a ticket. The student, Zhong Pei, tried enrolling in classes at her university. But she was not allowed to do that either.   Zhong had committed a serious ...
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