Real Estate is one of the biggest purchases anyone will make in their lifetime. It can account for 30x to 300x one's annual income and take over 30 years to pay off. After you're done paying for your property, now you have to keep paying to maintain it and to support the prope...
Chris Vermeulen
August 22, 2019
“Tariff Man” strikes again. In a surprise tweet last Thursday, President Donald Trump announced that, beginning June 10, the U.S. would impose a 5 percent tariff on all goods coming into the U.S. from Mexico “until such time as illegal migrants com...
Frank Holmes
June 5, 2019
When it comes to investing in Canadian companies, bigger is not always better. Canada’s historic corporate giants – energy and material sectors, such as the forestry industry – have had a difficult time over the past few years due to macroeconomic condition...
Stockhouse Editorial
June 4, 2019
What Wall Street knows as an incontrovertible truth is this: Fear is a bargain. And right now, there's so much fear floating around the market that gold is back on everyone's radar, with incredible bargains. Gold is trading at over $1,342 an ounce right now. So imagine...
Ian Jenkins
June 20, 2019
Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals. If anything launches this metals mining space race, it will be th...
Joao Peixe
June 26, 2019
Forever synonymous with wealth, gold has been the most coveted mineral on earth since its first recorded use back in 3000 BC. From Ancient Egypt to the U.S. Treasury its history is one of war, death, love and prosperity. But how did this most precious of precious metal...
Joao Peixe
October 4, 2019
Farm delinquencies skyrocket +24% year over year as global trade issues and the ability to service credit continues to be a problem. This is a tell-tale sign that the US Fed decreased the Prime Rate recently as a result of broader credit issues related to higher interest rates...
Chris Vermeulen
November 4, 2019
Since 2016, the US Monetary Base has declined by about 23.68%. This is the deepest and longest decline since the Federal Reserve was formed. This should not be ignored. The last time there was a decline close to this magnitude,there was a sharp deflationary recession. That...
Hubert Moolman
October 25, 2019
In 2015, a 16-year-old student from Jiangsu, China, tried to board a train. She couldn’t even purchase a ticket. The student, Zhong Pei, tried enrolling in classes at her university. But she was not allowed to do that either. Zhong had committed a serious ...
Marin Katusa
March 1, 2019
Brian Leni, founder of Junior Stock Review, profiles a gold explorer with a project in Quebec in the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt. What is the significance of surpassing $1400 USD per ounce of gold? Personally, I view the price of gold as a b...
Streetwise Reports
July 10, 2019