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MasterCard (MA): Can it charge past short-term resistance?

Share | Credit card titan MasterCard Incorporated ( NYSE: MA , Stock Forum ) recently rebounded from annual low territory, after sector peer Visa Inc. ( NYSE: V , Stock Forum ) affirmed its forecast for 2010 net revenue growth at the high end of the 11% to 15% rang...

China’s Social Credit System - It’s Coming to the United States

In 2015, a 16-year-old student from Jiangsu, China, tried to board a train. She couldn’t even purchase a ticket. The student, Zhong Pei, tried enrolling in classes at her university. But she was not allowed to do that either.   Zhong had committed a serious ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who's making the most of a bumpy summer?

The summer months of 2023 have been colourful among the Canadian and U.S. markets to say the least. This week, Wall Street was beat up after Moody’s cut the credit ratings of 10 regional U.S. banks and warned it could also downgrade some of the nation&Clos...

Bayer, Siltronic, XPhyto - is it worthwhile to invest now?

Tuesday began with green lights for most listed companies in Germany. The opinions of analysts and company announcements make the stock prices - or they are driven by the mood of economic data. The Ifo Business Climate Index, for example, rose by 2.2 points to 92.6 points in...

These U.S. Companies Have the Highest Debt-to-Equity Ratios Right Now

U.S. companies have never had so much debt on their books as they do now. As of the fourth quarter of 2019, non-financial firms owed some $9.6 trillion in outstanding debt, a figure that’s up more than 57 percent from the financial crisis 10 years earlier,...

Trillion dollar bazooka and $2,200 gold

It's the beginning of a new year, and there's no shortage of big headlines... Europe is on the financial brink, Iran is a powder keg, and precious metals like gold have retreated. It's also a time when there is no shortage of financial forecasts. ...

Total Debt and Leveraged Loans to the Rescue of Gold Bulls?

The Fed has just published the newest edition of its Financial Stability Report . It covers what the most powerful central bank in the world perceives as risks to the financial system stability. Is it time for the gold bulls to uncork champagne? Financial Sectors Appears...

Houston-Based Oil & Gas Producer Sets Goal to Become Wholly Carbon Neutral

A Raymond James report considers both what it would take to achieve this and how doing so could uplift profitability in relation to the company's use of enhanced oil recovery. In an April 2 research note, analyst Pavel Molchanov guesstimated the potential profitability ...

Rating on Solar Panel Manufacturer Downgraded on Recent Stock Strength

The potential impact on the company of likely macroeconomic tailwinds are discussed in a Raymond James report. In a June 19 research note, analyst Pavel Molchanov reported that Raymond James downgraded its recommendation on SunPower Corp. (SPWR:NASDAQ) ...

Oil & Gas Midstream MLP Offers 'Multiyear Financial Performance/Flexibility'

A recap of Q4/19 and the outlook for 2020-2021 are provided in a Raymond James report. In a Jan. 31 research note, Raymond James analyst Justin Jenkins reported that for Phillips 66 Partners LP (PSXP:NYSE) , "upside in Q4/19 set the pace for 2020 visibility...
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