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Standard Lithium Closes Financing; Works Toward Completion of PFS

In this interview, the Critical Investor and the company CEO delve into the "impressive" capital raise and what it means for the junior's future. Building demonstration plant at Lanxess Project site After Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; STLHF:OTCQX)...

A Combination Topping Pattern Is Setting Up

Our research team has highlighted a number of technical and other factors that point to a very real potential of a major market top setting up across the global markets. We've highlighted a number of research articles over the past 30 to 45 days that clearly illustrate our int...

Standard Lithium Successfully Commissioned Demonstration Plant Despite COVID-19

The Critical Investor takes a look at the current dynamics of the lithium market, and speaks with the Standard Lithium's CEO about the firm's latest news. LiSTR demonstration plant at Lanxess project site After Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; ST...

Profiting from Europe's new gold rush

Europe owns a sizable chunk of the world's natural resources. Over the past few decades, however, EU countries have mostly imported their resources. Outlandish? Maybe. But it was simply easier, cheaper, and most importantly it avoided most environmental conflicts. Ge...

Commodities sector has a new king

Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table staples - are surging due to bad weather around the world. But there's another commodity that's up big: It's surged ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: No tariffs? No problem!

Following a significant drop on Monday, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , rebounded on Tuesday. This recovery came after President Donald Trump temporarily backed down from his tariff threats against Ottawa, providing a month-long reprieve. The TSX&...

When People Riot, Should We Call Military or Gold?

Could 2020 end, please? The pandemic is not over and the US suffers now from mass riots across the country. They could aggravate the coronavirus crisis and increase the demand for gold. On May 26, a black man, George Floyd, was killed by the police in Minneapolis, Minneso...

Are All Your Ducks in a Row? Positioning Your Portfolio for the Market’s Next Move

If you’ve paid any kind of attention to recent market headlines, you’ve surely seen the term “recession” among the most prominent topics in your newsfeed. This shouldn’t come as a shock, either––the g...

The Fed Induced Twilight-Zone

The past three weeks have been filled with intense drama, incredible highs and lows, political battles that continue to this day, and millions of questions from people throughout the world. Throughout this COVID-19 virus event and the collapse of the US and global markets, o...

Political Uncertainty, How Your Real Estate is Effected?

Cross-Border Real Estate Investment Amid Political Uncertainty With heightened political uncertainty between the United States and Canada, real estate investors are reassessing their strategies to navigate shifting market dynamics. From regulatory changes to evolvin...
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