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Bayer, Siltronic, XPhyto - is it worthwhile to invest now?

Tuesday began with green lights for most listed companies in Germany. The opinions of analysts and company announcements make the stock prices - or they are driven by the mood of economic data. The Ifo Business Climate Index, for example, rose by 2.2 points to 92.6 points in...

Barrick Gold, B2Gold, Newmont - who buys which gold explorer?

The price of the troy ounce of gold is at its highest level in seven years. Currently, the precious metal costs around USD 1,650.00. The value of the troy ounce has thus increased by more than 30% in the past 12 months from under USD 1,270.00. Because the precious metal is con...

Discover Online Value Through Advanced Intelligence Functionality

There are more than three billion social media users around the world. A company can only truly reach its full potential if it understands the depth of its online presence to connect with this audience; one Canadian artificial intelligence and machine learning Company ...

Q&A with Cerro de Pasco Resources: Newly appointed CTO on the value of sustainable mining

If the World Economic Forum is any authority on the subject, the mining and metals sector – in its inherent connection to almost all industry value chains – “is an integral part of any foreseeable economy and society.” To that end, and with an ever-growi...

Discover the project located close to a producing gold mine that's driving value for investors

Welcome to the Market Herald “Top Line” CEO interview. I’m Brieanna McCutcheon. Tocvan Ventures ( CSE.TOC ) is a mineral exploration and development company which has created shareholder appreciation as its top priority. The compa...

How BioVaxys' DPX platform creates anti-cancer immune response

Discover BioVaxys’ innovative DPX™ platform, a cutting-edge lipid-based delivery system transforming immunotherapy. This video explores how the company’s proprietary technology encapsulates diverse bioactive molecules, enhancing and sustai...

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are a...

BioNTech, EXMceuticals, XPhyto - Covid-19 and legalizations offer potential

In recent months, the society around the globe has been going through a process of change of deceleration and standstill. Priorities have been redefined and implemented at record speeds in many places. Covid-19 serves as a catalyst for change for many people. The reasons can b...

Aphria, Cronos Group, EXMceuticals - it is a buyers' market!

The shares of numerous well-known and unknown cannabis companies have had a dramatic year 2019. Price losses of over 50% are not uncommon. What costs only half today may have become twice as attractive. Due to the large number of cannabis companies listed on the stock exchange...

April 15th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Evolve or die

Evolve or die That might be too strong a title, but it’s not! The law of evolution is principle based, saying that adoption is required especially in times of rapid change. It is without a question such a time. For example, a successful carburetor spe...
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