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The Glorious Sound of Ringing In Decent Profits

Don’t be fooled by the apparent indecision in some currency pairs while we see the others moving to fresh 2019 extremes. Such an action smells of cashing profits and identifying new trading setups, which is exactly the subject of today’s Alert. ...

The Euro Is Down. But Is It Really Out?

We’ve seen quite decent currency moves in recent days. And the market ain’t exactly sleepy today, either. Let’s put these moves into the picture. The implications lead us to make serious decisions. Is there a more pleasant sound ...

Total Debt and Leveraged Loans to the Rescue of Gold Bulls?

The Fed has just published the newest edition of its Financial Stability Report . It covers what the most powerful central bank in the world perceives as risks to the financial system stability. Is it time for the gold bulls to uncork champagne? Financial Sectors Appears...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Early Movers in Health, Mining and Tech

By the second week of the year, people, businesses and even the stock market are back to business as usual following the holiday rush in December and ringing in the new year in early January. Discussions on our Stockhouse Bullboards are also back in the saddle, and co...

Gold Is Due a Correction

All markets go up. All markets go down. No market ever goes straight up unless it's the end of the world and in that case why would you care? Gold hit bottom in early 2016. Smart money was buying then. Gradually gold rose and fell with the tide until lately when it we...

China’s Actions to Jumpstart a New Industrial Sector in US & Canada

Byron King, Managing Editor The Fire Bell Is Ringing! Hi Byron, ...

A New Day: Plenty of Exciting Action in the Currencies Arena

What an interesting day it’s today. After yesterday’s brief moment of serenity, many currency pairs are on the move now. Where to look first? Is it the euro? The action looks great and builds on our assumptions surely to your delight. Or are you...

Yield Curve Inverted Again. Will Gold Shine Now?

The U.S. yield curve has inverted again, and it has done so to the widest level since 2007. How much of a reason to worry is that actually? A sky-is-falling moment lurking ahead? If so, what chance of saving us does gold have? Another Yield Curve Inversion Occurs It&Clo...

Digging into the Rising Gold: Trade Tensions, Recessionary Worries and Dovish Fed

President Trump announced a 5% tariff on Mexican goods. It added to the concerns about the state of the U.S. economy and prompted the Fed officials to soften their language. With no end to the U.S. - China trade dispute in sight, gold jumped above $1,330 in response. Can it mo...

Global breadth remains supportive for stocks

As the trade war impacts the U.S. economy, global breadth remains supportive for stocks. Today’s headlines: Global breadth Defensive stocks outperforming Imports and exports hit by trade war Mortgage Refinance Index spikes Will the S...
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