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POET Technologies’ Share Price Forecast to Grow by Nearly 300% as Its AI Components Gain Market Trac

The steady progress for POET Technologies is predicted to pick up speed as its products begin to accumulate revenue and attract broader industry attention, a recent analyst report said. The report highlights POET’s products that target the artificial Inte...

Commercialization Accelerates for POET Technologies’ Platform Technology

At POET Technologies, we have been a company of “-ization”. We had a goal for the “legitimization” of photonics in the semiconductor industry and built a hybrid-integration solution to deliver on the “optimization&CloseCurlyDoub...

Top Lithium Stocks – May 2022

Lithium has quickly become one of the most important metals in the world, and an industry worth watching. Most of our smart technologies, from cars to phones, use batteries with lithium as one of the main components. So if you want to invest in lithium, there are two direc...

West Pharma Services' Shares Rise 10% on Q1 Sales Growth and Raised FY Earnings Guidance

Shares of West Pharmaceutical Services traded higher and established a new 52-week high price after the firm reported Q1/20 earnings that included a 10.8% increase in YoY revenues. Global healthcare packaging components manufacturer company West Pharmaceuti...

This Company is Already Generating Revenue in Canada’s New Data Frontier

(Image via SkyChain Technologies Inc.) Considered the future of enterprise data processing, Edge computing promises major leaps in data processing, as it allows internet consumers to use more connected applications and devices with minimal latency / lag time and networ...

April 28th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Uncertainty – Who will win ?

Uncertainty – Who will win? Wouldn’t we all like to know? Fact is that nobody knows. The best a market player can do is an educated guess. Stack your odds diligently and never bet the farm. Let’s take a look at some major market players. Mi...

Almonty, BYD, Royal Helium - developments of great importance

We live in a global business environment, though currently we seem detached due to the fight against the Corona Pandemic, business goes on and this too shall pass. Elon Musk is already preparing for the conquest of space with SpaceX and the fierce battle for market share in th...

Best Microcap Stocks

Some market components, such as small capitalization companies, require a little persuasion. Whether it’s their potential to produce incredible gains, or the chance to get in early on a growing industry, small-cap stocks present enticing opportunities. While ...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part II

In the first section of this article, we highlighted three key components/charts illustrating why the “rally to the peak” is very likely a result of a continued Capital Shift away from risk and into the US stock market as an attempt to avoid foreign mar...

Three COVID-19 Patients Treated with PLX Cells

Two programs, one new and the other ongoing, involving Pluristem Therapeutics' regenerative products are reviewed in a Dawson James report. In a March 30 research note, Dawson James Securities analyst Jason Kolbert reported that three high-risk COVID-19 pati...
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