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The Latest Microsoft Hack Exposes the Need for this Security Opportunity

(Image via GlobeX Data Ltd.) Many around the world are still recovering after a massive cyber-attack on Microsoft Corp.’s (NASDAQ: MSFT) widely used business email software that evolved into a full global cybersecurity crisis. The hacking ...

Fact: Cybersecurity is One of the World’s Fastest Growing Investment Opportunities

(Click image to play video) Cybersecurity attacks continue to be an existential threat to businesses and organizations – particularly as the move to continue to work from home in the wake of COVID-19 becomes more prevalent – and shows no signs of slowing down. I...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A meeting that could not have been an email

Stocks closed out the first month of 2023 no worse for wear after getting pummeled last year. A sign of better things on the horizon? Last month, indexes on Bay Street and Wall Street rose, with...

Hooray, Hooray: Ximen Mining is Back!

It was pretty quiet around Ximen Mining Corp. during the past corona weeks. Some may have thought, “Houston, we have a problem?” Far from it! On Friday after market close, the company announced its plans to go full throttle now – emphasizing in...

Consistently Profitable AI Digital Advertising Company with 110% Annual EBITDA Growth Begins Trading

The proprietary technology gives small and medium sized businesses access to powerful tools. Shares of a company with cutting-edge advertising technology are expected to begin trading on the TSX Venture Exchange on May 29. Country Capital One Ltd. annou...

Uranium Just Made a Stealth Surge

The average citizen’s knowledge of uranium and nuclear power comes from disaster movies or soundbites about accidents like Japan and Chernobyl. Or watching an episode of the Simpsons where Homer screws things up at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Datable Signs $1 Million Loyalty Rewards Program and Continues to Land World's Biggest Fish in ...

Datable Signs $1 Million Loyalty Rewards Program and Continues to Land World's Biggest Fish in Consumer Products The company has achieved its full-year contract sales target in four months. Datable Technology Corp. (DAC:TSX.V; TTMZF:USOTC) has d...

Q2 Earnings Soar for AI-Assisted Advertising Technology Firm

This small-cap firm saw rapid growth and reported a record second quarter. Adcore Inc. (ADCO:TSX.V) , the developer of machine-learning powered advertising technologies, reported record second quarter financials, including an increase in revenue growth of 53% year o...

Retail advertising and AI-driven security solutions company growing rapidly

The location-based technology provider INEO Tech Corp. (TSXV:INEO) started growing its business right here in Canada but has since expanded to 23 states across the United States and even Colombia. The company has managed to combine advertising at storefront entran...

Technical Analyst: Advertising Firm an 'Immediate Buy'

Technical analyst Clive Maund notes Adcore's chart looks "very positive." Adcore Inc. (ADCO:TSX.V) is a fast-growing digital advertising platform whose business is booming. Its chart looks very positive, with it looking ready to break above the nearby resistance s...
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