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Buzz on the Bullboards: Three engaging TSX stocks with a holiday flavour

TSX this week The TSX has experienced a rocky week, marked by five consecutive sessions of declines. This downturn coincided with the unexpected resignation of Canada’s Finance Minister , Chrystia Freeland, just hours before she was scheduled to pre...

April 7th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: How to stay ahead

How to stay ahead The simple answer is: Ask quality questions. If you followed our free telegram channel you were not out of toilet paper, did not lose money in the stock market and were less emotionally frazzled by news than the average citizen. Why? Because we shared ...

June 23rd 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Success is when preparation meets opportunity

Success is when preparation meets opportunity Why screen exposure and overall experience is so needed in the field of trading is related to the fact that the market has a high degree of variability. It takes years to have seen at least a good part of the various things th...

Feb 28th 2020, Silver Chartbook – The weakest link

The weakest link The weakest link is you . That is not always easy to admit, but it is factual, that the main cause for large draw downs is human error. The list of errors in market participation is long. For example running stops or sitting frozen behind the monitor ...

Mar 4th 2020, Crypto Chartbook – Sitting on your hands

Sitting on your hands More important than making money is not losing it. If you lose fifty percent of your investment money, you need to make one hundred percent profits, just to break even. This counter intuitive principle works against you. If you trade a normally slow ...

Mar 27th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Brace yourself

Brace yourself Right now you might find yourself in this first moment of catching a breath. You might have started getting used to a work from home. In addition, you might be feeling more prepared having stacked up on essentials. Maybe you even got used to this new wo...

Crude Oil’s Failure Leads to a Profitable Opportunity

Crude oil moved sharply higher yesterday, almost touching the previous August highs, but it didn’t manage to break above them. The resistance that we outlined in the previous Oil Trading Alerts kept the rally in check, and we already see the result. Crude oil s...

Cultivating. Innovating. Operating: Discovering the Science of CBD

Sire Bioscience Inc’s ( CSE.SIRE , OTC: BLLXF , Forum ) business model is based on their ability to engage in the investment, production, and sale of hemp for CBD extraction. That’s the desirable scalable endgame for any cannabis company....

The Most Important Resource on the Planet

What do you think the world’s most important commodity is? Is it copper? Is it gold? No, it’s water. Water truly is a commodity we cannot live without. Gigantic quantities of water are used in almost every food and drink we consume. F...

Four Key Questions To This Crisis Everyone is Asking

Recently, I was asked to participate in a live radio talk with Arnold Gay and Yasmin Wonkers at Money 89.3 Asia First and was sent the following questions to prepare for the show. I thought this would be a great way to share my thoughts and expectations related to the Covi...
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