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Five Small Caps Expanding Their Business Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

Some small caps are finding new opportunities during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the extreme market volatility over the past weeks creates a lot of uncertainly, some companies have seen business increase amid the Covid-19 epidemic. Here are a handful of sma...

The 10 Highest Paying Jobs In Oil & Gas

Make no mistake: Oil and gas companies may be doing some serious cost-cutting and slimming-and-trimming to stay competitive after the shale boom binge, but when it comes to employment, it's still one of the best industries to hit up for a job. Jobs are booming, just as m...

Drone Firm Chosen to Integrate Breakthrough Health Diagnosis Technology in Fight Against Coronavirus

Draganfly and its partners aim to rapidly deploy the groundbreaking technology so it can help combat COVID-19. In a news release , Draganfly Inc. (DFLY:CSE; DFLYF:OTCQB) , which specializes in unmanned vehicle technology, announced it was chosen as the exclusive ...

Going for Gold

In a recent Q&A article with Stockhouse , Nick Brodie, Chief Executive Officer of Galane Gold Ltd. (GG) ( TSX-V.GG , OTCQB: GGGOF , Forum ), sat down with our editorial staff to explain how his company is Company advancing its operations to meet the potential spike in ...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Draganfly Holds 'Pole Position' in Race for Drone Supremacy After Chinese Barred from US Market

The company establishes a toehold with U.S. government, homeland security and military contractors, and readies drones to screen for the coronavirus. With the growing concern of the theft of intellectual property from the likes of Huawei cell networks and Ch...

The Palladium Play that’s ‘Generating’ High-Grade Results

(Click image to play video) Currently, palladium prices continue an upward momentum and look to soar above the in-and-around USD$2,300 per ounce mark. Generation Mining Ltd. ( TSX.GENM , GENMF , Forum ) is an early-stage, junior explorer currently develo...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Best Opportunities in Mining, Tech, & Cannabis?

(Image via HEXO Corp.) Canada’s largest financial portal for Canadian small-cap investors is right here at Stockhouse. It is where our Bullboards – your Bullboards – are a leading forum to discuss these Canadian-listed small-cap businesses. Wan...

Alianza Minerals Aims at Finding Another Silvertip at Tim Project in Coeur JV; ...

Alianza Minerals Aims at Finding Another Silvertip at Tim Project in Coeur JV; Oversubscribed Financing Closed at C$1.1M The Critical Investor takes a deep dive into this explorer's projects, joint venture and financing. Keno Hill, Yukon, with Mt Ha...

As Drone Market Changes, This Small Cap Offers Opportunities

In my first write up about drones, I used the phrase "The Drones are coming." Perhaps now it is more appropriate "The Drones are multiplying like rabbits." The FAA announced that there were more than 122,000 commercial drone pilots in early 2018. Combined with the 87...
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