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The Company that’s taking Psychedelics from ‘Underground to Mainstream’

(Click image to play video) On a trip to Amsterdam, an item on many traveler’s agendas would be to indulge in some famed Dutch truffles. It is an experience to heighten the mind that Canadian public Company Red Light Holland Corp. (TRIP) ( CSE: T...

AI & Humor in the Workplace … A Laughing Matter?

We have all worried about “robots taking our jobs”, but working in a creative field, I’ve always had a high-and-mighty belief that no mere machine could do what I do … until they could. Running a certain set of parameters through an ar...

E*TRADE, flatex, wallstreet:online: the winners of the Corona Pandemic

Since the beginning of the Corona Pandemic, economic life has tended to shift from the offline to the online world. The winners of this trend are e-commerce service providers, such as Amazon and HelloFresh, and above all the operators of online brokerage platforms. This phenom...

TESLA - does a short squeeze like once at Volkswagen threaten?

In the language of traders, the covering of short position in a rapidly rising market with a scarce supply is called short squeeze. So-called short sellers have previously borrowed shares from banks or other investors and then sold them because they wanted to bet on falling pr...

Voxtur is the Leading Provider of Digital, SaaS Solutions for Real Estate Transactions in N. America

Before we dive into what makes Voxtur Analytics ( TSX-V: VXTR ; OTCQB: VXTRF) a standout PropTech company (and an undervalued investment opportunity), it’s worth highlighting a few recent developments: –Voxtur has seen revenues increase 300% year-over-year a...

Does this Device Solve the Issue of Electromagnetic Radiation?

There is a large health issue that few know about and does not see much press, but it is there for everyone to see buried in the fine print when you buy most cell phones. I am talking about electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is emitted with electronic devices, such as...

Smart Irrigation Solutions – Vital Technology Helping with the Global Water Crisis

Water Ways Technology is a global provider of Israeli-based agriculture technology, providing water irrigation solutions to agricultural producers. With 138 projects complete, their mission is to make agricultural technology accessible across the globe. Recently, The ...

2023, the dawn of the silver boom

By Chen Lin, This year saw another year of the huge supply-demand deficit in silver, despite heavy investment selling. The most significant demand increase came from solar panels. In 2021, the Silver Institute and Metal Focus group were looking at PV (...

A Real Blockchain Developer goes live, eXeBlock Technology (CSE:XBLK)

Last night I attended the Grit Capital's Banking on Blockchain event in Vancouver, along with seemingly every person I've ever met in this city's financial scene. The place was packed - standing room only in a ballroom that usually seats 300+. HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) ...

2024, a breakthrough year for silver

By Chen Lin, For thousands of years, silver has been a globally recognized commodity. In China, silver was historically used as a standard form of currency, and the term “bank” in Chinese (银行) literally translates to “silver tradi...
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