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Oil May Be Setup For A Move Back $50

US Gasoline prices have shot up 15% to 30% or more over the past 4 weeks as the Summer Blend hits the markets and consumers continue to stay shocked at the increase. In California, prices shot up from near $3 per gallon to over $4 a gallon over a 7-day span. Every year, when t...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Hot stocks from copper to Bombardier and AI

These leap-days are a rare treat. Not only is it an extra day to hold off on rent/mortgage payments, but an extra day to take stock of February’s wild ride. Last week, we saw the TSX hit a 22-month high while major U.S. indices also had their best pe...

Gold royalty stock might be better than an ETF

It doesn’t look like the economy is going to be stable any time soon. Unrest in Europe, looming U.S. deficit questions and poor unemployment are just some of the factors keeping the markets in a state of flux. As we’ve told you before, wat...

Lithium Firm's Deposits Show High-Purity Spodumene

The implications of the results and the next catalyst are addressed in a ROTH Capital Partners report. In a June 19 research note, ROTH Capital Partners analyst Joe Reagor reported that mineralogical testing of Piedmont Lithium Ltd.'s (PLL:NASDAQ; PLL:A...

dynaCERT Embarking on Tokenization of Carbon Credit Market

A first-generation end-to-end carbon credit marketplace tokenization system appears now under development leveraging dynaCERT’s unique patented and proven technology. Newly appointed FinTech pioneer to dynaCERT’s Advisory Board stated, “ Digiti...

7 Market-Moving Charts Investors Need to See

Stocks erased their weekly gains and bond yields fell on Friday as investors reacted to a number of economic developments. Chief among them were a Treasury yield curve inversion, the first since before the financial crisis, and continued slowdown in the pace of U.S. manufactur...

dynaCERT $3/share Target, The New Green Deal for Carbon Emission Reduction Technology

Market Equities Research Group has issued a near-term (12 month) price target for dynaCERT Inc. (TSX-V: DYA) of C$3/share. The stock market is a forward discounting mechanism; share prices are apt to rise quickly as future prospects brighten. Investors seeking high...

Important Economic News Calendar: November 4 – November 8, 2019

The markets will likely take some breather in the coming week following last week’s huge economic data announcements. But that does not mean there won’t be trading opportunities coming from the data releases. Last week we asked if quarterly corp...

Make America’s economy great again

A lot of Americans find themselves in a quandary over Donald Trump. On the one hand they can’t stand the braggadocious billionaire for his lack of principles, business ethics, exorbitant wealth, his treatment of women, minorities, the list goes on and on. But...

DOUBLE WHAMMY: Fed Policy and the U.S.-China Trade War

Markets were decisively in “risk-off” mode last week. Following weak manufacturing news last Thursday, the yield on the 10-year Treasury sunk to its lowest level since October 2017. The spread between the 10-year yield and three-month yield, in fact,...
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