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The coming supply crunch

As I write and you read, the world economy is getting pummeled, one blow after another, by demand destruction, as economies grind to a screeching halt due to unprecedented restrictions on economic and social activity owing to the relentless spread of the covid-19 coronavirus...

Grenke, JinkoSolar, Velocity Minerals - continue buying gold or are there alternatives?

Nowhere in the world, was more gold bought in the first six months of 2020 than in Germany. Coins and bars in the amount of about 83 tons went into the hands of the citizens. According to the World Gold Council, this represents an increase of 120% compared to the same period l...

Bob Moriarty's Thoughts on the Coronavirus

If there was ever a time for real leaders to step forward and lead, the last four months would have been the time to do so. If there was an issue that demanded cooperation from all the nations of the world, we have seen it. Instead we have been fed a steady diet of disinf...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Markets underperforming, or is the best yet to come?

So, the “September rally” didn’t really pan out as many indices hit lows not seen in months, but at least interest rates were kept firm for now, so that is some good news, right? Investors have been worried about the possibility o...

Is This What Falling Through the Floor Looks Like in Stocks?

While last week brought us higher stock prices, Thursday and Friday were bad days for the bulls. And little wonder, as the technical deterioration continues to play out. Looking at both the closing prices on Friday and today’s premarket action, how close to the...

Technical Analyst: Gold at Resistance Level

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses the effects of geopolitics on the price of gold. In this update I am not going to repeat the points made in the last fairly comprehensive update , instead we are going to focus on the importance of the resistance level just ab...

No time like the present for Goldshore Resources

Goldshore Resources (GSHR) is a junior gold development company that is tri-listed and is also relatively new. Trading here in Canada the company occupies the Venture Exchange. The company has managed to stay well-financed and is supported by a strong management group. ...

Fed Cut Equities Stimulus 86% This Week and Stocks Are Falling

What happens to the global markets when the US Fed begins to weaken stimulus activity and when the global markets must begin to function on their own? Are the global markets capable of sustaining current price levels without the Fed supporting them? A recent news article s...

A Rate Cut in Question, Falling Oil Discoveries and Record Silver Inflows

Will he or won’t he? That seems to be the question on a lot of traders and investors’ minds today with regard to Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell. An October rate cut appeared back on the table after disappointing economic news was re...

Multi-billion dollar valuation set for dynaCERT Inc. (V.DYA), pieces falling into place

dynaCERT Inc. (TSX VENTURE: DYA) (OTCQB: DYFSF) (FRA: DMJ) this week announced it has received its European ABE (German for “permit of operation”) certification for the Company’s HydraGEN™ (HG) Carbon Emission Reduction Technology fo...
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