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What Can Stop the Stock Bull – Or At Least, Make It Pause?

Stocks are entering the holiday-shortened week on a strong note. There was no selloff on Friday, as has been the case three preceding weeks in a row. This weekend, there were no spooky coronavirus headlines. Stocks finished on Friday close to their yearly highs, and the beat g...

Have We Just Seen the First Short-Term Crack in the Stock Market Dam?

Stocks reached out for new 2020 highs yesterday, and have marginally overcome futures’ Monday session highs. Yet, they suffered a setback yesterday, and price action left the very short-term rising wedge. But the bulls erased a good deal of previous losses, and...

Houston-Based Oil & Gas Producer Sets Goal to Become Wholly Carbon Neutral

A Raymond James report considers both what it would take to achieve this and how doing so could uplift profitability in relation to the company's use of enhanced oil recovery. In an April 2 research note, analyst Pavel Molchanov guesstimated the potential profitability ...

Stocks Hanging By the Fingernails?

After Wednesday’s slide, the S&P 500 moved higher yesterday. While the move itself hadn’t surprised us as we’ve earlier called for a pause in the downswing, the question is whether we can expect some more upside shortly. Lon...

Was Yesterday’s S&P 500 Session Really an Indecisive One?

Opening with a sizable bullish gap, the buyers strived to make a run. After conquering the initial wave of selling, they essentially retested the daily highs before giving up all ground gained in the opening gap. Does that mean that the bullish case is lost? Not at all, a...

Yes, the Waterfall Selling in S&P 500 Is Over Now

Just as I called for, there wasn't much S&P 500 downside left, and I am hugely profitable on the upside reversal from near yesterday's premarket lows. That's quite a turn in momentum, isn't it? So, is the correction in the last throws? I would certainly say so in terms of ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who is Riding the Latest Waves?

(Image via Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.) Canadian mining company Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. ( TSX: IVN , Forum ) announced this week that the Kamoa-Kakula copper project’s Phase 1, 3.8 million million-tonne-per-annum (Mtpa) concentrator plant now is fully...

Silver Bullet Mines: in production in Arizona

Welcome to the Market Herald, I’m Brieanna McCutcheon, and this is the Top Line. The world of precious metals is always an exciting one. Silver Bullet Mines has been developing gold, silver and copper projects in the Western United States. The compan...

Will 2020 be junior mining’s year?

Another year of covering commodities and select junior mining stocks is all but done and dusted. We’ve seen palladium prices more than double those of platinum, its sister metal, on tight supply and high demand for catalytic converters in gas-powered ve...

Why So Many Analysts Have a Buy on This Company on the Cusp of Silver Production

Analysts say MAG Silver offers production as well as exploration upside. Juanicipio mine MAG Silver Corp.'s (MAG:TSX; MAG:NYSE A) joint venture with Fresnillo Plc (FRES:LSE) is gearing up to begin silver production at the high-grade, large-scale...
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