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Permex Petroleum: A uniquely positioned junior oil & gas company

The world of oil and gas has been fascinating to watch recently as issues with the global supply chain and ongoing war with Russia and Ukraine have seen prices hit decades-long highs, leading the U.S. government to tap into its strategic reserves and URGE domestic produce...

The Most Important Resource on the Planet

What do you think the world’s most important commodity is? Is it copper? Is it gold? No, it’s water. Water truly is a commodity we cannot live without. Gigantic quantities of water are used in almost every food and drink we consume. F...


With all the fear around the world, it is fascinating to watch the battle that is underway between risk-on and risk-off assets. Chris Vermeulen joins Cory Fleck to share the way he is trading these markets and what he thinks will cause a breakout in either risk-on or risk-off....

A Psychedelic & Nutraceutical Opportunity: A Boost for the Brain and Your Portfolio

A psilocybin mushroom, also known as a magic mushroom, offers infinite medical and scientific potential…from cognitive flexibility to potentially addressing clinical depression and eating disorders. There’s a lot we still don’t kn...

Forging a New Path into the Medical Cannabis Space

Although 2019 was in many ways ‘The Year that the Cannabis Sector Would Like to Forget’, there are many pioneering ways that a company can take to generate revenue in the still-emerging medical cannabis and CBD markets. One such company has been advancing st...

The Company Creating a Real Buzz in the Exploding Agri-Tech Marketplace

A radical technology that’s part of the New Green Revolution. Multiple patents. Regulatory environment approval. An experienced and forward-thinking management team. These are the things that make investors drool. Enter Bee Vectoring Technology (BVT) ( ...

Stockhouse Media Exclusive: The Diamond Report

Dean Taylor knows diamonds. In fact, the CEO of Diamcor Mining Inc. (DMI) ( TSX-V:DMI , OTC:DMIFF , Forum ) has been running DMI since 2007, and that's a long at the helm in the mining space. His company is an established, production-based diamond miner with propertie...

Crossing the Rubicon into the Super Premium Cannabis Space

Rubicon Organics Inc. ( CSE: ROMJ , OTCQX: ROMJF , Forum ) is a licensed cannabis producer focused on cultivating and branding certified organic, super-premium cannabis. Rubicon trades on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol ROMJ. In this fascina...

PyroGenesis CEO Pledges 100k to COVID Fight

PyroGenesis Canada Inc . ( TSX: V.PYR , OTCQB: PYRNF , Forum ) is a high-tech Company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes cutting-edge plasma processes and products. The Company has been advancing its operations through major contracts signed with b...

Analysis Shows Aug/Sept Market Top Pattern Should Form

We have been pouring over the data and currently believe our earlier prediction of a July/August 2019 market top should be revised to an Aug/Sept 2019 expected market top pattern. The following research posts we authored recently suggested a top may form in July/Aug 2019 and b...
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