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Lode Gold: A compelling investment opportunity for gold enthusiasts

Lode Gold (TSXV:LOD) has had a year of growth achieving one milestone after another. Despite facing a challenging market, the company has successfully raised $6M since March 2024. Now, investors have the chance to capitalize on a unique opportunity by investing in Lode ...

Will People Accept Rampant Inflation? Hell, No!

The Weekly Missive, which usually arrives over the weekend (sometimes on Friday, sometimes on Sunday) was delayed this weekend for one reason: I had to change it. I started out last week with an idea that was leaning in the direction of full-on capitulation in the sen...

Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Gold vs Bitcoin: Quantum Economics and Financially Transmitted Diseases

It’s a common strategy in war. Addition by division. Put simply, adding content and flair by dividing two sides, is a very effective means of polarizing two or more sides. Cultural communists use it in their war on climate change “ You&CloseCurlyQu...

Cummins (CMI): Bullish bandwagon far from crowded

Engine issue Cummins Inc. ( NYSE: CMI , Stock Forum ) has been a broad-market standout, to say the least, besting its fellow S&P 500 Index (SPX) comrades with a gain of roughly 140% in 2010. What’s more, the equity has outperformed the SPX by almost 12% du...

Executing Our Vision, Achieving Our Global Potential: A Letter to Shareholders

Dear Fellow Legible Shareholders, I want to thank you for your continued support, faith, and trust in the Legible team to execute on our vision to revolutionize the global eBook marketplace for readers, publishers, and authors through our innovative eBook entertainment pl...

Buzz on the Bullboards: 3 stocks breaking the silence of a quiet June

“Sell in May and go away” is a theme investors and stock traders know well, and during this quieter month of June ahead of summer, some public Canadian companies have been engaging in serious business. This week, we saw the TSX hit a one-month ...

Level up your trading with BMO InvestorLine’s enhanced features

With about 48 per cent of Canadians investing regularly, according to an Ipsos poll conducted in February, and more young people learning about the benefits of putting money to work than ever before, the demand for leading-edge trading platforms in terms of efficienc...

The Power of Palladium

The StockTalk Podcast Hosts Expert Panel on Palladium & PGMs Palladium is a rare, precious metal – one of the six platinum group metals (PGMs). Its very name conjures up exotic images of a glistening, space-age metal with a price-tag that matches its scarcity. ...

The Big Move In Silver May Be Right Now

For many years now, metals traders and enthusiasts have been patiently waiting for the move in Silver that we feel its eventually going to happen. There is almost a ritual process in the metals market that takes place when a crisis happens. We’ve written ab...
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