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Psyence Group (CSE:PSYG) named first mover into palliative care market

Hannam & Partners issued an independent research report on Psyence Group (CSE:PSYG).

Electric Vehicle Sales Are Surging. Can Mineral Producers Meet Future Demand?

Elon Musk isn’t known for playing by the rules. The 48-year-old tech billionaire got himself into hot water with regulators a couple of years ago by tweeting that he was “considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.&CloseCurlyDoubleQuot...

Palladium, darling of the PGEs, shifting into high gear

The platinum group elements (PGEs) consist of six metallic elements found in the Periodic Table: iridium (Ir), osmium (Os), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh) and ruthenium (Ru). Platinum and palladium are the most well-known of the PGEs due to their industrial appl...

International students flocking to this company's education real estate model

(Click image to play video) While many businesses have struggled during the pandemic, there have been some that have prospered, and even increased their business. Vancouver-based, CIBT Education Group Inc. (MBA) ( TSX.MBA , OTCQX: MBAIF , Forum ) is one of t...

MXR seeking sedimentary copper in Colombia

West of Glen Canyon, Utah, a 90-million-year-old secret is hidden beneath the dry, desolate landscape. What is now one of the largest sand-dune deserts in the world, was once the middle of a vast inland ocean. Plying the waters of the Western Inland Seaway , a human transpo...

Palladium One delivers maiden resource

Palladium One Mining (TSX-V:PDM, FRA:7N11) is exploring for platinum group elements (PGEs) at its LK Project in north-central Finland, and for nickel, copper and PGEs at its Tyko property near Marathon, Ontario . The company is focused on LK, where surface chip samples t...

Company Named 'Top Small-Cap Growth Story'

The reasons for the positive outlook are given in a Raymond James report. In a July 3 research note, analyst Praveen Narra reported that Raymond James maintained its Strong Buy rating but reduced its target price on Newpark Resources Inc. (NR:NYSE) to ...

Gazprom, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - Winners of a supply chain law

In recent weeks, the German media have frequently reported on a so-called supply chain law. The aim of such a law is to ensure that German companies respect human rights and protect the environment in the procurement of materials and products. The world should become a bette...

The Fed can’t print silver

Silver prices will test $19 an ounce later this year on the back of heavy investment demand, as the coronavirus continues to depress markets and push investors in the direction of safe havens like precious metals. That is the conclusion of The Silver Institute&CloseCurlyQ...

Thucydides Trap and gold

When an emerging power attempts to supplant a hegemonic power in international politics, major conflict often ensues. This is the definition of “The Thucydides Trap” as explained in a recent op-ed piece in The Japan Times . The Thucydides Trap (pron...
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