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M2 Velocity Collapses – Could A Bottom In Capital Velocity Be Setting Up?

M2 Velocity is the measurement of capital circulating within the economy. The faster capital circulates within the economy, the more that capital is being deployed within the economy to create output and opportunities for economic growth. When M2 Velocity contracts, capital ...

The Game-changing FinTech Company You Need to Know About

Back in June , we introduced our Stockhouse investor audience to an emerging FinTech giant and took a deep dive into how this Canadian company is on the forefront of developing artificial intelligence (AI) that transforms data into knowledge. Toronto ON-based Analyti...

The True Causes Behind the Yield Curve Inversion and Gold

By now, everyone and their brother has heard about the yield curve inversion. How come it has inverted and how much should we read into it? Is it really such a reliable indicator of an upcoming recession? Let’s dig into the true causes behind the inversion and ...

Fed Cut Equities Stimulus 86% This Week and Stocks Are Falling

What happens to the global markets when the US Fed begins to weaken stimulus activity and when the global markets must begin to function on their own? Are the global markets capable of sustaining current price levels without the Fed supporting them? A recent news article s...

Crunching Some Numbers and What They Say – Part I

This is one of those articles that are packed with resources showing your what to expect for various assets both long-term and short-term and will guide you through these volatile times and this year. Our friends and followers continue to contact us asking what to expect a...

Graphite Miner Faces Hurdles but Foresees Strong Market for Product

Maurice Jackson: Today we will share a graphite development company set for production. Joining us for a conversation is Dan Weir, the executive chairman of DNI Metals Inc. (DNI:CSE; DMNKF:OTC) . Mr. Weir, welcome to the show, sir. Delighted to have you back to provid...

The Reign of the Royalty

Perhaps the most significant development in the mining industry over the past twenty years has been the rise of the royalty business model. For those unfamiliar, a royalty is the right to receive a percentage of production from a given mining operation—most often in the f...

Rock Tech Lithium, Varta, Volkswagen - The German battery is coming!

ON THE AUTHOR: André Will-Laudien Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experien...

US between Scylla and Charybdis

I’m just going to come right out and say it: The United States is not equipped to deal with a pandemic. The nation of 327 million, despite having the number one economy in the world, and by far the most powerful military, is shockingly ill-prepared, not only ...

The Great Dichotomy

One of the advantages of being a sexagenarian is that after forty years investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies you have a pretty good idea when something is not exactly "right." If you have lived a good, normal life and you still have decent control of ov...
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