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The Mining Co. that’s ‘Rocking & Rolling’ in Northern Ontario

A relatively new junior mining explorer has discovered “high-grade gold mineralization” in one of Canada’s most historic and prolific mining regions. And the drill results announced earlier this year at their cornerstone property in Nor...

NCI Chooses Veterinary Biopharma as Select Manufacturing Contractor

The contract's meaning, terms and benefits and the California firm's near-term catalysts are discussed in an H.C. Wainwright & Co. report. In a Sept. 12 research note, H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Swayampakula Ramakanth reported that Kindred Biosciences Inc. (KIN:NA...

The State of the Financial Union

Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold makes available the first two chapters of his most recent book that delve into the current state of the economy. Yellow Vests walking in Oloron, France. Photo: Robert Moriarty After being bugged unmercifully by a couple of m...

The Most Important Resource on the Planet

What do you think the world’s most important commodity is? Is it copper? Is it gold? No, it’s water. Water truly is a commodity we cannot live without. Gigantic quantities of water are used in almost every food and drink we consume. F...

This Mining Company Is Back to Creating Value for Investors

As many of you know, I serve as interim CEO and chairman of HIVE Blockchain Technologies, the first publicly traded company involved in the mining of cryptocurrencies. We maintain facilities in Iceland, Sweden and Norway, all of which have optimally cool climates and chea...

Gold and HUI Short-term Strength Is a Strong Call to Action

One surprising news was followed by another surprising news. First, Trump told the world about his plan to keep increasing tariffs on Mexico, defying his own party. Then, no hint of relief had come regarding the China trade dispute. Finally, we have got the Fed discussing pot...

Can You Afford To Ignore These Two Flawless Gold Slide Indicators?

We had warned you about the miners’ bluff and we hope that you heeded it. Gold is still testing the neck level of the head-and-shoulders pattern, but silver is already back at its 2019 lows, while miners broke decisively below them. It may seem that the miners ...

Mining Firm Expands Its Reach with Artificial Intelligenc

Mining Firm Expands Its Reach with Artificial Intelligence Source: Peter Epstein for Streetwise Reports 04/22/2019 Peter Epstein of Epstein Research digs into the potential of this company's AI technology, which he believes offers significant benefits for the stakeh...

Four Rules for Investing in Junior Stocks

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” -Warren Buffett It’s no secret that to be a successful investor or speculator, you have to govern yourself according to a set of rules. And I can&CloseCurlyQu...

Gold and the Political Theater: Is The Tail Wagging the Dog?

As the old saying goes, politics is a show business for ugly people. Fair enough, but what does it have to do with gold? Let’s jump right in and find out! There Is No Trade War Economic reports are rarely fun. But when we read the latest US trade ...
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