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How do I gift stock?

Gifting stocks can be a smart way to pass on wealth The most straightforward way to gift stocks in Canada is through a non-registered brokerage account When you transfer stocks, you’ll need to calculate any capital gains the recip...

Global Tungsten Market and Supply Security

Almonty Industries Inc.(TSX:AII) , a company who specializes in acquiring and optimizing distressed and underperforming tungsten operations and assets. Lyndsay Malchuk, with the Market Online, recently had the pleasure to sit down with President and CEO Lewis Black. ...

NervGen Pharma: Proof that NVG-291 works?

It’s arguably a Eureka moment for investors in NervGen Pharma (TSX.V: NGEN) (OTCQB: NGENF). Tantalizing anecdotal “evidence” has just been published that suggests that NervGen’s prospective wonder-drug — NVG-29...

Rick Rule's holiday gifts to grow wealth

The average Canadian will spend C$1478 this holiday season with 43 per cent of the budget spent with online platforms Rule likes the idea of gifting precious metals and company shares as an alternative to traditional Christmas gifts “Philanthropy with a...

How this company is transforming the immersive tech industry

The immersive technology market size continues generating traction with the market projected to reach US$159.94 billion in 2024, according to market research . In the coming years, it will continue increasing at a rapid rate to reach US$638.69 billion in 2028, represent...

Drilling underway at a large copper-moly porphyry target in Peru

Western Metallica Resources Corp. (TSXV:WMS ), a mineral exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with five mineral assets across Peru and Spain has drilling underway in Peru. The Market Online recently sat down with CEO, Gregory Duras. The following i...

Advancing flagship Ishkõday Gold Project in Ontario

LAURION Mineral Exploration (TSXV:LME) . A Canadian junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of its flagship Ishkõday gold project. Located 220 km northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Market Online recently sat down with President and CEO, Cynth...

Here are three global stocks you should watch

Taking a macro or global view on stocks can be educational and offer a different view on the economy. Alpha Ba , portfolio manager specializing in global and emerging markets equities with Pillow Investments , gives us his three global stock picks. The three stock ...

Unique Battery Metals opportunity in Quebec

Coniagas Battery Metals Inc (TSXV:V.COS ), a Canadian Junior Mining Company focused on nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group metals in Quebec. The Market Online recently sat down again with CEO and Director, Frank Basa The following is a transcription of the abo...

The company revolutionizing access to care and natural remedies

The Market Online recently spoke with Liz Viccars, CEO of AJA Health and Wellness Inc. (TSXV:AJA) a company transforming healthcare with its total health access service offering telemedicine, diagnostics and specialized care via proprietary tech. Additionally, AJA Heal...
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