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Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part I

One thing that continues to amaze our research team is the total scale and scope of the Capital Shift which is taking place across the globe. For almost 5+ years, foreign investors have been piling into the US stock market chasing the stronger US dollar and continued advance...

Uranium Exploration On-Track in Canada’s Athabasca Basin

The recent increase in spot uranium prices was eye-opening for many mining companies and investors. After languishing for years, spot uranium climbed above US $30/lb, what many described as the resistance threshold. Now that prices have held onto their gains, excitem...

NASDAQ Sets Up A Massive Head-n-Shoulders

Our research team has identified a potential trade setup in QID that correlates to our ongoing analysis of the US stock market and our Advanced Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs. We believe a major price inflection point is setting up in the US stock market within the next 48 h...

Ardelyx's Shares Soar 65% as Tenapanor Phase 3 Study Hits the Mark

Clinical-stage specialized biopharmaceutical company Ardelyx announced positive results today for its phase 3 AMPLIFY study for tenapanor aimed at improving treatment for cardiorenal diseases. This morning clinical-stage biopharmaceutical developer of medicines for th...

Exciting Results from One of Ontario’s Newest Gold Explorers

(Image via Cross River Ventures Corp.) For most of October 2020, gold prices have been stuck around $1,900 / Oz. mainly due to the strength of the US dollar, though analysts now expect the price of gold to jump in the next few weeks and yield a “lasting price upswing&...

Staying Cautious & Staying Prepared With You Trading Account

Over the past 30+ days, our researchers have been warning our friends and followers to stay cautious and to consider the risks within this market trend. Certainly, we’ve received some emails and contact from some people suggesting we should become more active...

PROFIT! A NEW Stockhouse Vodcast Series. Eps. 2

Get to know capital market moguls, mavens and management teams in a more relaxed setting. Episodes open with fun, rapid-fire questions, setting the tone for a more informal one-on-one session. You won’t want to miss our weekly releases featuring thought ...

Cashing in the Exploding Esports and Esports Betting Markets

Get to know capital market moguls, mavens and management teams in a more relaxed setting. Episodes open with fun, rapid-fire questions, setting the tone for a more informal one-on-one session. You won’t want to miss our weekly releases featuring thought ...

PROFIT! A NEW Stockhouse Vodcast Series. Eps. 6

Get to know capital market moguls, mavens and management teams in a more relaxed setting. Episodes open with fun, rapid-fire questions, setting the tone for a more informal one-on-one session. You won’t want to miss our weekly releases featuring thought...

Is The Energy Sector Setting Up Another Great Entry?

Another wild week for oil traders with missiles flying and huge overnight price swings in crude. As we recently pointed out within our current Oil research article , Oil and the Energy sector may be setting up for another great trade. We recently commented on how the supply...
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