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Free Market Capitalism: Laughably Predictable

On Wednesday, as the kiddies were upset over a swooning S&P, then trading a paltry 5% from the all-time high of 3,027, I tweeted out this graphic that perfectly describes my cynical view of the paper markets around the world. What prompted me to exercise my artis...

I'm Mad as Hell: Long Live Howard Beale

In the 1976 movie "Network," British actor Peter Finch won an Academy Award for his stunning portrayal of news anchorman Howard Beale, whose on-air descent into insanity, prompted by the social and economic conditions of the times, is now legendary. The iconic scene whe...

My Second-Worst Nightmare

It was only a few hours ago that I was cruising through a lovely early-autumn Friday afternoon preparing for one of the last weekends at the marina for the 2019 season when I came across the much-heralded (and often misinterpreted) COT report. I was on the way up the ea...

East-West Trade War: Never Take a Knife to a Gunfight

It's a funny thing that happens when the stress of financial insolvency bubbles up to the surface. Decisions once considered "routine" (like brushing one's teeth or walking one's dog) suddenly have life-or-death outcomes, complete with cold sweats, sleepless nights and ...

Peniaphobia Prevails

(Peniaphobia: fear of poverty) This weekend, newsletter writers the world over are scrambling to explain to their paid subscribers why they are now showing losses in portfolios that were supposed to be showing gains, and especially because it was only two weeks ago t...

Weimar Fed in the Twenty-First Century

I was pacing around the house this lovely but cold Friday afternoon (after finally having the water supply restored after our well filed for unemployment benefits), trying desperately to think of a topic to write about in this weekly missive, when it suddenly occurred t...

Metallic Minerals | Discovers 7,459 G/T Silver ! ! !

Metallic Minerals: TSX.V: MMG | OTC: MMNGF) Talk about Ultra-High Grade Silver! Metallic Minerals has just reported ultra high-grade silver results. One of them coming in at 7,459 grams-per-ton from their flagship Keno Sil...

Meet the Company That’s Creating Cannabis Through Art & Science

(Click to watch video) Adastra Labs Holdings Ltd. ( CSE.XTRX , OTC: XTXXF , Forum ) is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative ethno-botanical and cannabis science products designed for the adult-use and medical markets and forward-looking therapeu...

What Investors Need to Know About This Digital Agency Specializing in uNFTs and the Metaverse

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been all the rage in 2021. If you’re not sure what they are, an NFT is a “one-of-a-kind” digital asset that is bought and sold like other pieces of property. Vancouver-based Looking Glass Labs Ltd. (...

The New Age of Advertising

With my involvement at Heelo, I have learned a lot about the new advertising world. There has been and still is a huge transformation taking place to digital advertising. You have experience with this from Google and Facebook that along with YouTube see the most web traf...
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