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Lomiko Metals – Moving Forward

“The times are changing, and there are new demands for electric vehicles. Tesla has now become more valuable than Toyota. In an abysmal market, it has tripled since March 2020. More Electric Vehicles means a growing demand for energy storage and charging stations that will dri...

VIDEO | A Top-Tier Solution for High Performance Computing Demands

  With the surging popularity for online gaming, especially eSports, a higher level of infrastructure is required, but sustaining a reliable backend is a serious challenge. Enter: AMPD Ventures Inc. Based in Vancouver, BC, AMPD was founded by industry ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s Bracing & Growing During the COVID Storm

With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic worsening south of the border, posing a risk to strangle the fragile recovery of its economy, investors who were hoping this return to normalcy would be a spring are likely realizing it will actually be a long and hard struggle. ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A diagnosis on the health of the economy

It has been a bit of a stalemate for North American markets this week as indices nudged one way or another. Earnings report have been rolling in, with some major U.S. banks reporting a slowdown in profits, others saw better-than-expected earnings. Traders are tracking an ...

A Sound Investment Strategy into Great Vancouver's Booming Real Estate and Student Housing Market

CIBT Education Group Inc. (MBA) ( TSX.MBA , OTCQX: MBAIF , Forum ) is one of the largest education and student housing investment companies in Canada focused on the domestic and the global education market since 1994. The company owns Global Education City Holdings, whi...

What is the future of oil and gas?

Population growth will be a massive factor on increased energy demands The International Energy Agency states that at present we are “maintaining the 2021 energy crisis” The push for renewables as we head towards 2050 doesn&CloseC...

Alkaline, Flavored and CBD Infused Bottled Water Maker Posts Record Growth in Q4/20

The Alkaline Water Co. shares traded 20% higher after the company reported that it posted a 51% growth in year-over-year revenue in Q4/20. Alkaline Water Company Inc. (WTER:NASDAQ; WTER:CSE) , which makes premium bottled alkaline water, flavored-infused waters, and...

Think zinc: Another metal that can transform the energy storage sector

By Ron MacDonald, President and CEO of Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. Mines worldwide extract more than 11.9 million metric tons of zinc annually. There are zinc mines in over 50 countries around the world, and while the metal plays a key role in the steel industry, few ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Old favourites make their return

September is often seen as a “fresh start” for the markets, like a new year on the stock exchange, but this party was met with a serious hangover in the shape of poor performances among sectors that only just recently began to turn around. One ma...

2023, the dawn of the silver boom

By Chen Lin, This year saw another year of the huge supply-demand deficit in silver, despite heavy investment selling. The most significant demand increase came from solar panels. In 2021, the Silver Institute and Metal Focus group were looking at PV (...
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