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Three business reasons companies need to recycle e-waste

Author: Lane Simond . The most common narrative about recycling electronics is that it is better for the environment, but business owners have even more reasons to make sure their outdated technology gets into the hands of a reputable recycler. Three reasons to...

Why This Gold Stock is Up 171% Year-to-date

Although Ontario is Canada’s largest producer of gold, out west in British Columbia, the province is fourth only behind Quebec and Nunavut. British Columbia also hosts the infamous Golden Triangle, situated in the northern region of the province close to t...

GFG Resources, TriStar Gold and Precipitate Gold Now in Bed with Majors

I've been pretty quiet about mining shares lately as I try to get a handle on what the real story is on the Corona Virus. That doesn't mean the companies have been quiet and indeed they have not been. The Corona Virus story looks more and more like a scam on the part of b...

Target Price Raised on Red Lake Gold Explorer

An operations update on one of the company's projects is provided in an Echelon Wealth Partners report. In a Jan. 28 research note, analyst Ryan Walker reported that Echelon Wealth Partners raised its target price on Pure Gold Mining Inc. (PGM:TSX.V; PUR:LS...

Golden Arrow Resources Completes Selling of 25% Interest in Puna Operations to SSR Mining; Exciting

The Critical Investor reviews Golden Arrow's deal with SSR Mining to sell its remaining interest, and also discusses the company's other projects. Golden Arrow Resources Corp. (GRG:TSX.V; GARWF:OTCQB; G6A:FSE) recently ended the seven-year-long Chinchillas adventur...

Golden Arrow Resources Sells 25% Interest in Puna Operations to SSR Mining for $44.4M

The Critical Investor looks beyond the headlines to analyze the factors behind the company's sale of its JV share to its partner. Puna Operation, Chinchillas Mine Golden Arrow Resources Corp. (GRG:TSX.V; GARWF:OTCQB; G6A:FSE) surprised the ...