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98% energy efficiency: How Acceleware's EM Technology is transforming heat solutions

Acceleware’s EM Powered Heat solutions are built around its innovative, patented electromagnetic (EM) technology platform, and have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption compared to traditional fossil-based heat systems, offering real p...

New electric industrial heat technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Acceleware Ltd. (TSXV:AXE) is an advanced electromagnetic heating company with highly scalable EM solutions for large industrial applications. CEO Geoff Clark joi...

Buzz on the Bullboards: September’s low cost / high return stocks

Is this the end of summer? Some say yes, some say the heat and calendar indicate otherwise … but the upcoming Labour Day long weekend marks the return to school for some, and the return to busines...

What’s with all the weird weather?

In January 2018, something strange happened in the Sahara Desert: it snowed . The Algerian town of Ain Sefra, named the “Gateway to the Sahara”, reportedly received up to an inch, barely enough to get the average North American out of bed early to scra...

Bear Market Rallies: The Nascent Narcotic

The 2018-2019 bear market rally that we identified during the last week of 2018 via the 2019 Forecast Issue, entitled " 2019: Mayhem, Misallocation and the Mockery of True Price Discovery ," is now on record as one of the most ferocious rallies ever recorded, as short sel...

Fresh water crisis unfolding

When planetary scientists search for life on other planets the first thing they look for is evidence of water. “There are two main questions in the search for life: With so many places to look, how can we focus in on the places most likely to harbor life? What are the unmi...

Should We Rethink Nuclear Power?

While it seems to fly in the face of everything we believe and have been taught about nuclear power, it may actually be the safest form of power production that we have. Ironically, the immense potency of the power of splitting an atom is simultaneously what makes nuclear weap...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who Stands to Benefit the Most from Easing COVID Restrictions?

(Image via TAAT Lifestyle & Wellness Ltd.) Investors don’t prosper on potential. Investors prosper on returns. And in recent years, there haven’t been many mining companies able to reward return-starved investors with a strong stock p...

US vs. Global Sector Rotation - What Next? Part 1

Our research team, at , have been pouring over the charts and data to identify what is likely to happen over the next 60+ days in terms of global stock market volatility vs. the US stock market expectations. Recently, we posted a research article h...

Geothermal energy: These stocks could suddenly double in value

Less than two months ago, Canadian pipeline giant Enbridge did something strange . The company announced it was spending $24 million to take a 20% stake in a modest, 35-megawatt project being developed by a company few investors have ever heard of: U.S. Geothermal ( AMEX:...
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