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Exicure's Collaboration with Allergan on Treating Hair Loss Disorders Sends Shares Higher

Shares of Exicure Inc. opened 30% higher today after the firm reported that it entered into a collaboration agreement with Allergan to discover and develop SNA-based treatments for hair loss disorders. The terms of the deal provide for a $25 million upfront payment to Exicure ...

Aphria, Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth, EXMceuticals - do not miss the entry!

The German nationwide and anonymous advertising format of Deutsche Post is called POSTAKTUELL and is published regularly in large print runs. The stack of advertising is wrapped in a foil and the practical added value for the recipient is the TV guide. The front of POSTAKTUELL...

How Well are Cannabis Stocks Performing in the Market?

At this time last year, cannabis stock was considered to be the hottest investment trend on Wall Street as Canada lifted the veil of recreational marijuana, and it was legally approved for sale for adult-use, on Oct 2018. Investors were hoping legal weed sales would grow t...

Coty Shares Rise 30% After Starting Production of Gel for Hand Sanitizer Use

Shares of Coty traded higher after the company reported that it has commenced production of hydro-alcoholic gel for use as hand sanitizer to help combat the COVID-19 virus. Coty Inc. (COTY:NYSE) yesterday announced that "it has started producing hydro-alc...

The Black Swan Event for Stocks is About to Repeat

This hybrid article with videos walks you through what and why the markets crashed, what they are starting to do now, and how you can take advantage of this black swan event. The year has been filled with big broad market swings, sell-offs, and rallies, making people pull ...

June 9th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: If it breaks we get paid

If it breaks we get paid Or not. One aspect rarely talked about is the psychological aspect on why there are so few winning traders. You might have heard about the trader who reached his goal to make a million dollars and then lost most of it. Once the strongly desired goa...

Big Picture Outlook: Seat Belts Tightened

"Gold is money; everything else is credit." —J.P. Morgan Dating back to the mid-80s, and usually around the end of November, I begin to formulate strategies and portfolios looking out to the upcoming New Year, taking into account technical, fundamental and geopolitica...

Simple, Uncomplicated: Find Out What Natural Beauty is All About

(Click image to play video) 2020 has been a whirlwind year for Marianna Naturals Corp. ( MRNN , Forum ). Founded in April of 2020 by both Co-Founder & Chairwoman Heather Marianna and Co-Founder, President & CEO Joel DeBellefeuille as the company is ...

A Rate Cut in Question, Falling Oil Discoveries and Record Silver Inflows

Will he or won’t he? That seems to be the question on a lot of traders and investors’ minds today with regard to Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell. An October rate cut appeared back on the table after disappointing economic news was re...

Viscount Likes a Lot of Silver

Metals other than gold have finally gotten their wake-up call. Last week rhodium shot up to $7700 up from $575 three and a half years ago. Platinum broke $1000 to settle at $1027 and even silver was up. South Africa has gone the Zimbabwe route. They are murdering whit...
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