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Lydian International: Constructing Highly Profitable Gold Mine In Armenia

Interview With President & CEO Howard Stevenson Symbol: T.LYD

Intra-day Fibonacci Modeling Shows Volatility Is About To Spike

Our research team, at Technical Traders Ltd. alerted us to a Fibonacci technical pattern that is setting up in the US stock market right now. This pattern suggests that volatility will increase dramatically over the next few days/weeks as intra-day price action suggests deeper...

Zonte Confirms Fertile, Highly Mineralized IOCG System at Cross Hills

I am very surprised at these great, high-grade results for the first drill pass on the first target at Zonte's Cross Hills. Before seeing more details below, or if you skip down lower, come back for some detail on IOCGs. What is an Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) mine? Th...

Natural Gas Continues To Offer Opportunities for Longs

Historically, April has been a pretty consistent upside opportunity in Natural Gas for over 20 years. Over the past 24+ years, the upside opportunity in Natural Gas has been accurate over 68% of the time with the average upside potential ranging from $0.60 to $0.85. With Natur...

NASDAQ Set to Fall 1000pts In Early 2020, and What it Means for Gold

One of our most interesting predictive modeling system is the Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) price modeling system. It is capable of learning from past price data, building price DNA chains and attempting to predict future price activity with a fairly high degree of accuracy....

VIX Likely to Pop Before March 21

Our researchers believe price cycles and our proprietary Fibonacci modeling system is suggesting the US and Global stock markets may be entering a period of price rotation very soon. Our team of researchers has identified a date span of between March 5 th to March 13 as a ran...

ADL Predictive Modeling Suggests A Big Move In Silver

Our Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) predictive modeling system is suggesting that Silver is currently well below the projected ADL price level. We believe the current pricing pressure in Silver is related to global central banks attempt to regulate precious metals prices over ...

XPhyto Therapeutics: Are they Selling the Solution to Germany’s Rapid Testing Crisis?

The Germans call it COVID-19 “rapid testing mania”. But like most manias, it has opened up a Pandora’s box of problems. As the speed of the vaccine rollout program falters in Europe, on-the-spot antigen testing continues to be the ...

XPhyto: Buyouts, Biosensors and a Booming Business

Test, test, test! It’s the World Health Organization’s battle cry in the global war against COVID-19 and other coronaviruses – including future outbreaks. And it is not getting any less resonant as new variants continue to cause ha...

April 1st 2020, Crypto Chartbook: You snooze you lose

You snooze you lose The required skill level to prosper trading is treading light footed. This is only possible with confidence. Confidence comes from a knowing. Knowing settles in after a long time of experience. However any professional can get shaken up, hence the sayi...
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