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Homebuilding stocks are in for a nasty surprise

"You can't believe how screwed up things are down here… " This weekend, I met up with a real estate expert, M, from South Florida. M specializes in REO. REO stands for "Real Estate Owned." Banks lend money to homeowners. Sometimes homeowners don't make their int...

Growing inequality threatens mining

In the 1986 classic ‘Platoon’, Charlie Sheen’s character Chris Taylor tells everyone that he dropped out of college to serve in the Vietnam War. This sets him apart from the other grunts and makes Taylor seem noble and patriotic, giving up sch...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A Deeper Look into New Energy Opportunities

It was hedge fund legend Ray Dalio who said: “He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.” With a new President in the White House and a new administration, it is like a massive “reset” button is about to be ...

Debt-free cannabis company set for next stage of growth

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Nextleaf Solutions (CSE:OILS) , is a debt-free cannabis processor known for its multi patented, scalable extraction technology. The company offers a diverse portfo...

5 of the Biggest Financial Stories From 2019

According to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, 2019 was the Year of the Pig. Investors and traders, I believe, will likely also remember it as the year of the bull. Every asset type, it seems—from large-caps to small-caps, from foreign to domestic, from gold to oil—fin...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Pulling gains out of volatile territory

As the global economy navigates uncertainties, investors have been watching the performance of key stock markets for insights into prevailing sentiment and economic health. Over the past week, the TSX and the trio of indices on Wall Street – the Dow Jones Industrial A...

Gold reacting to global flash points

Gold’s safe haven status was tested this week, as Iran countered the assassination of its top military commander with missile strikes against two Iraqi bases housing US troops. On Tuesday night Tehran fired over a dozen missiles at the Al-Asad airbase and E...

Covid-19: Who, what, when, where and why

If there is one thing we know about the coronavirus, it’s that getting a jump on it helps to limit the number of infections. Clearly the best time to stop this, and all outbreaks, is in its early stages. Both China and the United States have been accused of...

China’s Actions to Jumpstart a New Industrial Sector in US & Canada

Byron King, Managing Editor The Fire Bell Is Ringing! Hi Byron, ...

Meet the Company That’s Creating Cannabis Through Art & Science

(Click to watch video) Adastra Labs Holdings Ltd. ( CSE.XTRX , OTC: XTXXF , Forum ) is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative ethno-botanical and cannabis science products designed for the adult-use and medical markets and forward-looking therapeu...
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