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Silver Is Still Cheap For Now

Silver is still near all-time lows in many ways. One of the most significant measures wherein silver is at an all-time low, is its price relative to the amount of US dollars (US monetary base) in existence. Below, is a long-term chart of the silver price relative to the US...

Mar 9th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Margin call – the cash trap

Margin call – the cash trap During the last two week all major indices like S&P 500, Dow Jones, NASDAQ, DAX and others dropped by more than 10% in what is considered one of the worst weeks in trading. This Monday morning the bloodbath continues. But why did gold and Bitco...

The Gold Project Turning Heads in One of the World’s Friendliest Mining Jurisdictions

Click image to play video Meet the early-stage junior gold explorer that’s building shareholder value by acquiring exceptional exploration prospects in Nevada and the man at the helm. Peloton Minerals Corporation (PMC) ( CSE: PMC , OTC: PMCC...

Retire Happy With Dollar Cost Averaging

Last week I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at the Oxford Club’s 21st Annual Investment U Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. The main topic was the current retirement crisis. Baby boomers are reaching retirement in worse financial shape th...

Growth Is Crushing Value Right Now, but Take a Long-Term Horizon

Investors are betting on growth stocks over value stocks by a wider spread right now than at any other time since at least 1990, including during the tech bubble. The ratio between the Russell 1000 Growth Index and Russell 1000 Value Index reached a series high of 1....

Buzz on the Bullboards: Playing the Swings

Stockhouse is a site for serious investors. For many (most?) members of the Stockhouse Community that means buy-and-hold investing. Indeed, we’ve previously observed that short-term trading and/or chasing momentum to look for a quick gain is not “investing&Clo...

Torrid Advances in Gold ETFs Warrant Caution

Michael Ballanger explains how he is reacting to the advances in the gold ETFs. Given the torrid advance in gold (GLD [SPDR Gold Shares]) and the leveraged miner ETFs (NUGT [Direxion Daily Gold Miners Index Bull 3x]/JNUG [Direxion Daily Junior Gold Miners In...

Are All Your Ducks in a Row? Positioning Your Portfolio for the Market’s Next Move

If you’ve paid any kind of attention to recent market headlines, you’ve surely seen the term “recession” among the most prominent topics in your newsfeed. This shouldn’t come as a shock, either––the g...

How Kodiak Copper Bedazzles via the Drill-Bit

It’s shaping up to be one of the most prolifically­-sized, high-grade copper discoveries in North America in recent memory. Kodiak Copper Corp’s ( TSX.V: KDK , OTC: KDKCF ) latest round of drill results at its MPD copper-gold project in sou...

Precious Metals: Carpe Diem

Last week I sent out my uber-bullish call on the metals and miners at the conclusion of a period fraught with doom and despair for all things gold and silver. The criminality of the interventionists was in full bloom as they bombed gold down through that critical "Line ...
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