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The Last Hawk Flew to Heaven

Sad moment. Paul Volcker, the former Fed Chairman went to Bank of Heaven. We are not reporting this news due to the implications for gold prices, but as an opportunity to reflect on changes in the central banking since the time of Tall Paul and on their consequences for the go...

Near-Term Risk in Gold is Increasing

Last week was another strong one for the precious metals sector. Gold gained a whopping $51/oz or 3.5%. The gold stocks (GDX, GDXJ) advanced by roughly 6%. Silver gained 4%. Momentum in the sector began to build once Gold surpassed resistance at $1420-$1425/oz. We had ...

Will Gold Shine Due to Coronavirus Infecting the Global Economy?

With new cases of COVID-19 outside China rising, the chances of a pandemic and global recession have increased recently. What are the implications for the gold market? Coronavirus Spreads Over the World Unfortunately, the new coronavirus remains the hottest topic of the...

Buzz on the Bullboards: TSX recovering as key stocks eye a comeback

The TSX has been on a rebound, clawing back to levels seen before the great global selloff that marked the beginning of the month. As the market stabilizes, investors are keenly watching certain TSX-listed stocks that have recently faced setbacks but are striving to reg...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Big Week for Cannabis

A crazy week for the markets made sure that thanksgiving dinners in Canada this past weekend weren’t lacking in conversation topics! From swings in the cannabis sector to the ongoing federal election and a potential thaw in the US-China trade war, investor...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Rising Tides…

Do rising tides truly lift all ships? The adage often holds true in investment circles, as strong markets or deals lift companies and competitors alike while negative sentiment can bring everyone in a sector down. But a rising tide is simply upwards pressure on companies, ...

Exploring Canada’s Best Energy Resource: The Montney Formation

(Click to play video.) Cost-effective exploration for reliable energy resources – especially in North America – is becoming an increasingly difficult task…given existing reserves, government regulation, and public sentiment. But one Calgary-based oil and natural gas ...

Trump vs. Powell: Who Wins?

President Trump recently tweeted, “As long as other countries are receiving the benefit of Negative Rates, the USA should also accept the ‘GIFT’. Big numbers!” Considering the President is a real estate marketing guru facing a ...

ION Energy: Mongolia's first lithium brine explorer & developer

ION Energy is in the business of exploration and development of lithium brine in Mongolia. ION is currently focused on two projects, their flagship project just 24 km from the Chinese border and another bringing their company to a total of over 110 thousand hectares ...

The Market Opportunity in Producing Better Products for a Better Environment

(Click image to play podcast) good, natured Products Inc. ( TSX-V: GDNP , OTC: SLGBF , Forum ) is a plant-based products and packaging Company that makes the products you use every day better … by producing and distributing sustainable products made with the...
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