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The Company that’s Growing Winning Cannabis Brands

“Our goal is to be a consumer-branded good play that actually owns the infrastructure and knows how to operate it in the cannabis space. That is the future of 1933. That is what we’re really good at and we’re going to stick to it…and crush...

Buzz on the Bullboards: 2021’s Highlights

2021 was another year of ups, downs, and everything in between, but it was also a year marked by continued global economic uncertainty and a shakeup of some of the hottest investment sectors. I took notice when I realized how often I had been updating my template...

Q&A with Bhang CEO Scott Van Rixel

Bhang Corporation , ( P.BHNG , Forum ) known best for the 8-time cannabis cup award-winning gourmet chocolate bar, is built on a tradition of innovation and trust that has wowed consumers over the last nine years and helped re-define the cannabis market today. Their un...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Bombardier, world woes, a smart fridge, and top shelf weed

This past week, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , hovered just shy of a new all-time high, buoyed by rising metal prices. However, the optimism was tempered as markets stuttered in response to renewed fears surrounding geopolitical tensions, particular...

InMode Reports Solid Q2 Earnings and Appoints Paula Abdul as Brand Ambassador

InMode Ltd. reported Q2/19 earnings and announced that international pop superstar Paula Abdul will be its brand ambassador sending shares "Straight Up" 15% as investors "Rush Rush" to purchase shares today. InMode Ltd. (INMD:NAQDAQ) , a global provider of innovative ...

Look Which Precious Metal Is Beating Warren Buffett…

Way back in January, I showed you that the price of gold had beaten the S&P 500 Index over a number of different time periods, including the month, quarter, year… and even the century (so far!). Last week it was brought to my attention recently—in a tweet b...

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Panic Over China’s Factory Slowdown

Chinese manufacturing activity slumped to a record low in February as the coronavirus outbreak temporarily shuttered plants and factories and travel restrictions impacted the supply of labor. The official government purchasing manager’s index (PMI) fell to...

The Crazy Ones - The Explorers 2020 has seen incredible work done in Saskatchewan by Taiga Gold, MAS Gold, SSR Mining and SKRR Exploration. Well, we are just getting started. SKRR is going to start drilling the Leland Gold project in the Trans Hudson Corridor within two weeks. A...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who's making the most of a bumpy summer?

The summer months of 2023 have been colourful among the Canadian and U.S. markets to say the least. This week, Wall Street was beat up after Moody’s cut the credit ratings of 10 regional U.S. banks and warned it could also downgrade some of the nation&Clos...

dynaCERT first institutional coverage; >250% near-term upside, no competition in $6 Trillion market

dynaCERT’s Fuel-Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction Technology is award winning and on an accelerated growth adoption curve that is expected to translate into significant sales and upside share price revaluation. dynaCERT's proprietary HG technology has ...
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