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17 best payday loans online: Quick cash and fast approval this Christmas

If you face a financial emergency, traditional loans may not be a viable option if you have bad credit. So what can you do when you need quick cash – especially close if you need cash for Christmas gifts during the festive season? The best online payday loans are an a...

April 15th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Evolve or die

Evolve or die That might be too strong a title, but it’s not! The law of evolution is principle based, saying that adoption is required especially in times of rapid change. It is without a question such a time. For example, a successful carburetor spe...

How do I gift stock?

Gifting stocks can be a smart way to pass on wealth The most straightforward way to gift stocks in Canada is through a non-registered brokerage account When you transfer stocks, you’ll need to calculate any capital gains the recip...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Are We Headed for a Major Market Correction?

(Image via Datametrex AI Limited.) Datametrex AI Ltd. ( TSX-V: DM , Forum ) announced this week that achieved the highest net income and revenue in its history. A technology-focused company with exposure to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Datametr...

Sangamo Shares Trade 30% Higher on Q4 Earnings and Biogen Collaboration

Sangamo Therapeutics shares traded higher after the company reported Q4/19 and FY/19 earnings and advised that it signed a global collaboration agreement with Biogen to develop gene regulation therapies for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, neuromuscular and neurological diseases. ...

Interference Most Foul: When Speculation Becomes Reality

To put it mildly, the business of financial forecasting is not only an inexact science, it is a magnified case study in handicapping, the likes of which you find in sports betting such as horse racing or basketball. You take a basket of data inputs, such as the last fiv...

Germany starts war on gold

Germans, like Indians and Chinese, love their gold - although their reasons for buying and keeping bullion are somewhat different. In China and India, gold jewelry is a status symbol - a sign of wealth and success. In Germany, owning gold bars and coins, maybe a 24-karat ...

What is the 'kiddie tax' when gifting stock?

The kiddie tax means that income from investments gains earned by a child from a gifted stock will be taxed at the parent’s tax rate, not the child’s tax rate. The kiddie tax applies to interest income, dividends, and capital ga...

Jan 23rd 2020, Crypto Chartbook – Passive income flow, the ultimate joy

Passive income flow, the ultimate joy It is clear that the holy grail of making money is passive income flow. Making money while you sleep should be the goal of any business venture. The quality of that sleep is determined by risk. If you have figured out a passive income...

Where to Get Income in a Low-Yield World

So far in 2020, the yield on the 10-year Treasury has averaged an anemic 0.01 percent when adjusted for inflation. Since the end of January, it’s actually dipped below 0 percent, trading as low as negative 0.14 percent on January 31. What this means is...
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