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Fintech Payment Solutions Provided…Seamlessly

In mid-July , our Stockhouse audience was introduced to a fintech company with a very unique business model that’s created a secure, easy-to-use payment solution for the student market – Euro Asia Pay Holdings Inc. (EAP) ( CSE.EAP , Forum ). St...

B2Gold, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold: Did Warren Buffett bet on the right horse?

The price of gold has stabilized above the USD 1,900.00 per troy ounce mark in recent weeks. Against the background that the Corona Pandemic is not slowing down and that a second wave is becoming measurable in many places, the actions taken by governments and central banks are...

Becoming a Premier Copper-Gold Porphyry Explorer of the Northernmost Extent of the Golden Triangle

Yesterday after market close, Core Assets Corp. ( CSE: CC ; market capitalization: $2.6 million) made the landmark announcement of expanding its property by the factor of 9, now controlling 148 km² of prospective ground at the northern extent of British Columbia‘s world-f...

NexTech AR Solutions - Q and A - Inferno AR

The Coronavirus pandemic has been brutal to companies in pretty much every sector, and Canada’s economy has been hit harder than most during the pandemic. But with great crisis comes great opportunity, and a revolution in the way we conduct business presen...

Gilead, Teva, XPhyto - Global marketing potential

The best business models solve problems and are scalable. In this context, the healthcare sector is particularly interesting. The world's population has recently reached 7.8 billion people and for this reason solutions can meet a large potential market with users. Cross-border...

3D printing is a manufacturing game-changer

Calling all carnivores: ever thought about getting a meat printer? Of hand-crafting delectable beef steaks at home from plant proteins, that have the same texture, appearance and flavor as real meat, only without the distasteful killing part? 3D-printed steaks and chicken ...