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Better & Cheaper than the Competition: A Deeper Look at a Revolutionary EV Charging Platform

(Image courtesy of IONiX Pro Battery Technologies Inc.) From new tech, apps, and delivering its products to customers, 2021 has been a busy year for Extreme Vehicle Battery Technologies Corp. ( CSE: ACDC , Forum ) and its new, cutting-edge battery storag...

The EV Battle is Heating Up: Enter “The Tesla Killer”

(IoniX Pro Home Smart Wall Product Rendering via Extreme Vehicle Battery Technologies Corp.) When it comes to the Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution, the future is imminent and those who have adopted this next level lifestyle agree that what they need is power … an...

Oil May Be Setup For A Move Back $50

US Gasoline prices have shot up 15% to 30% or more over the past 4 weeks as the Summer Blend hits the markets and consumers continue to stay shocked at the increase. In California, prices shot up from near $3 per gallon to over $4 a gallon over a 7-day span. Every year, when t...

Why Are The Markets Ignoring The Treasury Inversion?

Our research continues to support a Bullish price bias over the next 30+ days, very likely reaching to new all-time highs again, before June/July 2019. For many months, other researchers have continued to predict “doom and gloom” with warnings of Treasury...

Psyence Group: natural psychedelics for mental health and wellbeing

Our next company works to help people with a focus on natural psychedelics. Psyence Group uses natural psilocybin products to heal psychological trauma and to calm the mind during someone’s last stage of life while in palliative care. Here with us toda...

An ecosystem with the fastest and safest way to buy bitcoin

Our next company, Bitcoin Well Inc. (TSXV:BTCW) , is in the business of non-custodial FinTech through making bitcoin useful to everyday people, with the mission of enabling independence and enhancing safety. We spoke with CEO Adam O’Brie...

This Canadian Biopharmaceutical Co. is a Pioneer of the Medical Cannabis Industry

An evidence-based, scientific approach is how Avicanna Inc. ( TSX.AVCN , OTC: AVCNF , Forum ) gains its competitive advantage in the medical cannabis sector. The Canadian biopharmaceutical company has spent over four years in research & development before creating its m...

Why There is Still a Dire Need for COVID-19 Testing

(Click image to play video) While the tide has turned in many countries in battle against the COVID-19, the global pandemic is far from over in countries like India, for example. Thus, the need for quick, reliable COVID at-home testing is still existential. T...

Esports — a surging investment opportunity in 2022

COVID changed nearly every business across the marketplace for better and worse, but a market that has seen incredible growth in the last two years is esports.One of the latest companies in this...

A Topical Solution for Chronic Pain

Pain impedes the life of millions around the world, and the market for topical creams to treat this pain is growing at an accelerated rate as people choose to treat pain directly vs ingesting pain killers. Some analysts, such as those at Allied Market Research, project that ...
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