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Tech investors just got their long-awaited signal

Over the past few weeks, Growth Stock Wire readers have seen a lot of " get ready to buy " essays. Last week, the technology sector finally pushed into "buy mode." And over the last 10 years, this signal has been good for easy, double-digit gains. For the first time in...

Gold Rockets Higher – Do You Own One of the Top 20 Gold Mines?

Gold has been on a tear this month. Earlier this week, the European Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi – or as I like to call him “Super Mario” – outlined a possible fiscal stimulus plan in Europe. Gold rapidly moved higher off the news. On Wednesda...

Homerun Resources’ global reach and where it's headed

Focused on silica and working in the Bahia, Brazil, area with great interest is Homerun Resources (TSXV:HMR) . The company continues to focus its efforts on accessing massive amounts of high purity quartz to ensure a stable supply chain while meeting the increasing ...

Psyence Group: natural psychedelics for mental health and wellbeing

Our next company works to help people with a focus on natural psychedelics. Psyence Group uses natural psilocybin products to heal psychological trauma and to calm the mind during someone’s last stage of life while in palliative care. Here with us toda...

Explorer Set to Drill on 'Standout' Target in the Golden Triangle

The thing about experience is it lets you see current situations in context—opportunities are more apparent when you've gone through the experience before. Libero Copper Corp. (LBC:TSX.V:, LBCMF:OTCQB) was established in 2016 for exactly this reason. A group of geolo...

Confusion Reigns (Or What to Do When Nothing Makes Sense)

As I reach end-of-week, end-of-month book-squaring, where all of my urgent e-mails and all of my myopic missives and all of my topical tweets are summarized in once terse and quite concise "Monthly P&L," I am astounded at the most recent example of how masterfully the Gol...

Four Rules for Investing in Junior Stocks

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” -Warren Buffett It’s no secret that to be a successful investor or speculator, you have to govern yourself according to a set of rules. And I can&CloseCurlyQu...

How To Buy Gold For $3 An Ounce

What Wall Street knows as an incontrovertible truth is this: Fear is a bargain. And right now, there's so much fear floating around the market that gold is back on everyone's radar, with incredible bargains. Gold is trading at over $1,342 an ounce right now. So imagine...

A Key Investment Strategy into Monetizing and Host Webinars

Investors with a keen eye to the live video conferencing technology boom, should look at the entire space beyond Zoom. Enter Personas Social Inc. ( TSX-V.PRSN , OTCMKTS: PRSNF , Forum ) – a unique company engaged in the business of offering live video conferencing ...

The next big thing in Nevada

Key to being a successful junior resource investor is doing your due diligence prior to taking a position in a junior, or for that matter, any publicly traded company. That means going over the financials, fully understanding the business, the sector they’...
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