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Global Tungsten Market and Supply Security

Almonty Industries Inc.(TSX:AII) , a company who specializes in acquiring and optimizing distressed and underperforming tungsten operations and assets. Lyndsay Malchuk, with the Market Online, recently had the pleasure to sit down with President and CEO Lewis Black. ...

Canadian Bitcoin portal stresses accessibility and independence

The Bitcoin world has experienced vast and rapid advancements, transforming from a niche digital currency into a mainstream financial asset. From its inception as a decentralized form of money, Bitcoin has evolved into a dynamic ecosystem, driving innovation in block...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Whose stocks sizzle during summer holidays?

As we get through the summer holiday season, the typically calmer market environment presents a prime opportunity for investors to evaluate their portfolios and consider new investments. The TSX continues to offer a variety of promising stocks, particularly in energ...

Bitcoin company adds convenience of modern banking

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Bitcoin Well Inc. (TSXV:BTCW) is a non-custodial fintech company, with a primary focus on empowering people to interact directly with the Bitcoin protocol. J...

An ecosystem with the fastest and safest way to buy bitcoin

Our next company, Bitcoin Well Inc. (TSXV:BTCW) , is in the business of non-custodial FinTech through making bitcoin useful to everyday people, with the mission of enabling independence and enhancing safety. We spoke with CEO Adam O’Brie...

Revolutionizing Egyptian oil exploration

TAG Oil’s Tech-Driven Breakthrough In the vast expanse of Egypt’s Western Desert, a hidden treasure of oil and gas resources lies in wait, largely untapped until now. The Badr oil field (BED-1) in the Western Desert holds the promisi...

Breaking China’s stranglehold on the North American REE supply chain

Rare earths (REEs) are critical to producing permanent magnets used in consumer electronics and electric vehicles. Ucore Rare Metals ( TSXV:UCU ) ( OTCQX:UURAF ) is a company focused on separating rare earth elements and supplying the resultant rare earth oxides to the a...

It’s Time to Start Talking about the Elephant in the Room

By Jonathan Goodman We at Dundee Goodman Merchant Partners have spent most of our working lives in the resource industry. Collectively we are money managers, geologists, engineers, mining operators, and natural resource/mining bankers. Moreover, all of us are person...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Early Movers in Health, Mining and Tech

By the second week of the year, people, businesses and even the stock market are back to business as usual following the holiday rush in December and ringing in the new year in early January. Discussions on our Stockhouse Bullboards are also back in the saddle, and co...

Fintech Payment Solutions Provided…Seamlessly

In mid-July , our Stockhouse audience was introduced to a fintech company with a very unique business model that’s created a secure, easy-to-use payment solution for the student market – Euro Asia Pay Holdings Inc. (EAP) ( CSE.EAP , Forum ). St...
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