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Revolutionary biopharma company makes waves across the globe

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . The Market Online recently caught up with NurExone Biologic Inc (TSXV:NRX) , a revolutionary biopharmaceutical company developing regenerative medicine therapies,...

Deutsche Telekom, Enthusiast Gaming, Krones - how do insiders act now?

It is generally assumed that the management and supervisory boards of companies have an information advantage over the public and for this reason they are subject to different reporting requirements depending on the stock exchange segment. In practice, this may mean that manag...

Commerzbank, Desert Gold, Deutsche Bank - Money supply increases significantly

There are various financial indicators in an economy that allow assessments of the current state. An important indication is, for example, the amount of money supply and its change. However, the amount of money is still divided into three classes according to its availability....

Puma Biotech Shares Up More Than 20% on Q2 Earnings and Breast Cancer Drug Sales

Shares in Puma Biotechnology are trading 20% higher today after the company released Q2/19 earnings and reported positive NERLYNX revenue growth. Biopharmaceutical company Puma Biotechnology Inc. (PBYI:NADSAQ) shares opened more than 20% higher to...

Financial Sector ETF May Break Below Price Gap

Our research team warned of a peak in the Financial Sector ETF on June 10, 2020, with this article. It was important to understand the technical setup that existed at that time and what the Fibonacci Price Modeling system was showing then. There was very clear suppor...

Blackrock Swings for the Fences at Silver Cloud

I first talked about Blackrock in March of last year . They had done a deal with Carl Pescio on what they call the Silver Cloud gold project. The project is next to the high-grade Hollister Gold Mine and near the high-grade Midas mine in Northern ...

Avadel Pharma Shares Up 30% Upon Acceleration of Phase 3 REST-ON Study

Avadel Pharmaceuticals' shares are trading 30% higher today on news that the FDA agreed to reduce the sample size required for its Phase 3 REST-ON study, accelerating its completion by year-end 2019. Dublin, Ireland-based Avadel Pharmaceuticals Plc (AVDL:NASDAQ) , wh...

Regeneron Reports Positive Phase 3 Dupixent Data; Gains EU Approval Recommendation

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals published positive results from two U.S. Phase 3 trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of Dupixent (dupilumab) in adults with recurring severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. The European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Produc...

Indonesia Rule on Nickel Helps Playfair Mining in Norway

As the world's largest producer of nickel, the actions of the Indonesian government not only affect those companies working in Indonesia but also half way around the world. In 2014 the country restricted the export of nickel concentrate in an effort to force producers...

Protagonist Therapeutics Shares Trade Up 70% on Phase 2 Transfusion Trial Results

Newark, Calif.-based Protagonist Therapeutics' shares traded 70% higher today after the firm reported preliminary Phase 2 results for Hepcidin Mimetic PTG-300 in the treatment of transfusion dependent beta-thalassemia. Clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company Protago...
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