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What Do You Want, Mr. Gold?

Barrick wants to buy Newmont. Trump wants a deal with China. Palladium wants to fly into space. And what does gold want? Will Barrick and Newmont Create Gold Monster? Do you remember our January 24, 2019 edition of the Gold News Monitor ? We analyzed in that report the...

Pandemic fears: real and imagined

“Pandemic”. Few words in the English language conjure as much fear. The mere utterance evokes images of dying patients, surgical masks, haz-mat suits, a parade of coffins, helpless doctors and nurses, as the contagion spreads, first striking down the el...

Air Liquide, NEL ASA, RHC Royal Helium Corp. - Helium replaces hydrogen

Helium is a chemical element and is lighter than air. It belongs to the pure gases, is colourless, odourless, tasteless and is generally regarded as non-toxic. Because of these characteristics, helium is already replacing hydrogen in industrial use. However, experts warn of a ...

EyeGate Pharma Shares Looking Up on Pivotal PRK Ocular Bandage Gel Study Data

EyeGate Pharmaceuticals shares opened nearly 85% higher today after the company reported select topline data demonstrating that it met its primary endpoint in its cornea wound repairs pivotal photorefractive keratectomy study using the firm's Ocular Bandage Gel eye drop. ...

Will the Fed Going Nuclear Help the Economy and Gold?

On Monday, the Fed introduced QE-infinity. What does it imply for the US economy and the gold market? Fed Drops Bazooka… and Goes Nuclear Instead! On Monday, the Fed pulled out an even larger bazooka than it did previously. Or, forget about the bazooka. The US c...

America the Broken – Can It Be Restored?

This is the first issue of The Rise of America , a series about the future of the United States as the global superpower. You’ll read about the forces that will propel it to unprecedented dominance—and how you can best position yourself to profit fr...

An Economic Renaissance Emerges – Look Out Below

Our researchers believe the US stock market has potentially ended the “relief rally” phase where the US Fed stimulus pushed prices off the recent lows and upward towards key Fibonacci retracement levels and will soon engage in a new price exploration ph...

International stocks with serious potential

This week we'll take a closer look at some actual stocks and country-related ETFs you can buy that capitalize on the strength of the country itself and that of its underlying currencies. To help clarify what we looked at last week, here's two currency charts featuring the ...

Energy storage as pure as air! Interview with Ron MacDonald, Zinc8 Energy Solutions

We envision creating an industry-leading company that will supply low-cost, mass-energy storage solutions on a global scale. (Ron MacDonald) Ron MacDonald, president, CEO & director Zinc8 Energy Solutions has developed innovative battery technology that uses ...

Biopharma Launches Trial Testing Nitric Oxide as COVID-19 Treatment

The design, timeline and takeaways of Beyond Air's study are presented in a ROTH Capital Partners report. In a June 16 research note, ROTH Capital Partners analyst Scott Henry reported that Beyond Air Inc. (XAIR:NASDAQ) enrolled the first patient in its U.S. clin...
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