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Sort by: Date|Relevance, Enthusiast Gaming, Netflix - perspectives of scalable business models

Modern society is constantly finding new ways to simplify life and increase comfort. For example, there are now successful business models that would have been unimaginable decades ago. The monetization of access to the customer, for example in the areas of entertainment, gami...

Gold Miner Achieves 'Q3/19 Beat' on Top, Bottom Lines

The financial results are reviewed in a ROTH Capital Partners report. In a Nov. 6 research note, ROTH Capital Partners analyst Jake Sekelsky reported that Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. (KL:TSX; KL:NYSE) in Q3/19 "beat our estimates on both the top and bottom line, and Mac...

Mandalay Resources: A Canadian resource company with an international focus

Mandalay Resources is a Toronto-based natural resource company with an international focus. The precious metals explorer already has producing assets in Australia and Sweden. Its focus remains on furthering growth at both operations, reducing associated costs where it can...

Thinking North Takes a Look at Cannabis

For the seventh time, I had the opportunity to be the keynote speaking at a Thinking North event. It was held on February 28, 2019 in Toronto. It was a another successful Thinking North event with 150+ attendees. Four companies within the cannabis industry were provid...

Akazoo Is Trading for a Song (for Now)

The disruptive forces of the Internet, technology, streaming and OTT [over-the-top] services are well known. They have not only created new industries but forced existing entities to change their business models in order to survive. This is particularly true of the media ...

A Unique Solution to Meet Lithium’s Supply Gap

(Chart via Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. Click to enlarge.) A lithium supply gap? There is demand growth, but it is stifled by limited investments in mines and converters. A key theme for mining investors in 2021 revolves around the acceleration in demand fo...

Virtual Healthcare Made Easy. Here’s How.

Mednow Inc. ( TSX-V.MNOW , OTCMKTS: MDNWF , Forum ) is a healthcare technology company offering virtual access with exceptional care. It provides virtual care with convenience and through an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare that is focused on the patient experie...