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A Key Investment Strategy into Monetizing and Host Webinars

Investors with a keen eye to the live video conferencing technology boom, should look at the entire space beyond Zoom. Enter Personas Social Inc. ( TSX-V.PRSN , OTCMKTS: PRSNF , Forum ) – a unique company engaged in the business of offering live video conferencing ...

Technical Analyst: Gold at Resistance Level

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses the effects of geopolitics on the price of gold. In this update I am not going to repeat the points made in the last fairly comprehensive update , instead we are going to focus on the importance of the resistance level just ab...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Aurora Down & New Plays Up

If you glanced at any market headlines regarding the Wuhan coronavirus over the last week, you’ll have read about a retreating concern and investors starting to lighten up. If you looked at news outlets, however, you’d learn that the Covid-19 vi...

Get Lucky! Meet the Premier Esports Betting Platform. For Gamers, By Gamers

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) The online e-gaming industry is no longer just a phenomenon, it’s now globally omnipresent and is expected to reach $257 billion dollars in revenue by 2025. In fact, There are more than 2.7 billion video gamers around ...