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A Savvy Investment in the “Next Generation of Restaurant Franchising through Ghost Kitchens”

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Since before the COVID-19 pandemic, practical, alternative solutions to in-restaurant dining have been growing into a huge economic boom. Case in point ghost kitchens – sometimes called a virtual or cloud kitchen – a restaurant w...

Getting a Step in the Door: A Diversified Portfolio in the Important Ocean Economy Space

Vancouver BC-based platform Billy Goat Brands Ltd. ( CSE: GOAT , OTCQB: BGTTF , Forum ) is focused on making investments into high-potential companies operating in the ocean economy. The company is positioned to identify, incubate, and invest in companies with Environme...

Functional Foods: The New Multi-Billion Dollar Growth Market

Living and eating healthier isn’t just about improving and enriching our lives, it offers investors – both retail and institutional – immense opportunities. Enter Billy Goat Brands ( CSE.GOAT , Forum ) – a Vancouver BC-based venture capital platform f...

Tax loss selling…is it a good time for investors?

Every year on Black Friday, shoppers anticipate great deals and are lined out the door to get a discount on a TV or on a much needed appliance. Buyers will go to many lengths, including camping outside the store to be the first in or even trampling on other shoppers to get t...

New Listing & Already Profitable? How This Gaming Company is Capturing the Market

(Image via PopReach) The video game market has gone from an entertainment afterthought in the 2000’s to the largest media market in the world. But what’s the best way for investors to play in the space? Many instinctively look to th...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Bombardier, world woes, a smart fridge, and top shelf weed

This past week, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , hovered just shy of a new all-time high, buoyed by rising metal prices. However, the optimism was tempered as markets stuttered in response to renewed fears surrounding geopolitical tensions, particular...

Iron ore price rise has China, Europe worried

Iron ore negotiations have ground to a halt - again. Iron ore producers and consumers were so far apart last year that negotiations on pricing broke down entirely. No price benchmark was reached between major Australian iron ore miners and China's steel mills. ...

International students flocking to this company's education real estate model

(Click image to play video) While many businesses have struggled during the pandemic, there have been some that have prospered, and even increased their business. Vancouver-based, CIBT Education Group Inc. (MBA) ( TSX.MBA , OTCQX: MBAIF , Forum ) is one of t...

Aging in the New World Order of Managed Markets

After over 40 years in the world of money and markets, I have arrived at the conclusion that aging can be a double-edged sword where the advantages created by many years of experience are many times odiously offset by innate biases that become ingrained over time. It came...

Simple, Uncomplicated: Find Out What Natural Beauty is All About

(Click image to play video) 2020 has been a whirlwind year for Marianna Naturals Corp. ( MRNN , Forum ). Founded in April of 2020 by both Co-Founder & Chairwoman Heather Marianna and Co-Founder, President & CEO Joel DeBellefeuille as the company is ...
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