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Medical Small Cap Moving Forward with Cutting-Edge Technological Innovations

Premier Health is methodically building an innovative telemedicine platform in Canada, is purchasing a venerable telemedicine firm, and sees 2020 as the year of execution. Premier Health Group Inc. (PHGI:CSE; PHGRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE) has a vision: to bring together the ...

Will CoronaVirus Pandemic Trigger a Stocks Bear Market 2020? Part1

The stock market is confounding growing Coronavirus fears by recovering all of the late January's drop in the wake of Coronavirus news out of China that started global alarm bells ringing of what could transpire right across the world. The Dow retraced all of its drop from 2...

A Unique Solution to Meet Lithium’s Supply Gap

(Chart via Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. Click to enlarge.) A lithium supply gap? There is demand growth, but it is stifled by limited investments in mines and converters. A key theme for mining investors in 2021 revolves around the acceleration in demand fo...

Millennials and Baby Boomers – What their Stock Portfolio Reveals

Although millennials are now of age, their influence on the stock market is still in its infancy. The question is, can they produce better results than the older generation, known as baby boomers, who are soon to retire? To get the answer to this question, two stock portf...

The Cannabis Company that’s Driving “Sustainable Profitability”

(Click image to play video) Getting well and staying well is the goal of everyone. But the ways and means of achieving a state of mental and physical wellbeing alludes millions of us. Luckily, certain forward-thinking, compassionate companies are committed to cre...

Gold Price Trend Forecast 2020 - Part1

The gold bull market ended 2019 with a strong gain of 19%. The first half the year was marked with uncertainty as the price after an early year surge to $1350 gave up all of it's gains to drift lower to trade down on the year by early May. However, this was the calm before the...

Coronavirus China Infection Statistics Analysis, Probability Forecasts 1/2 Million Infected

We in the West are in still the CALM before the Coronavirus STORM stage, both in terms of infections and in terms of economic impact as we witness China's economy effectively grind to a halt, a harbinger of what to expect to come that the financial markets are STILL NOT disc...

BYD, Commerzbank, Osino Resources - very exciting developments for investors

Investors around the world are looking for the next opportunity to invest or secure their money. Access to information and the networking of capital and the media are creating increasingly strong trends. "The trend is your friend," says an old stock market saying. But it is al...

The EV Battle is Heating Up: Enter “The Tesla Killer”

(IoniX Pro Home Smart Wall Product Rendering via Extreme Vehicle Battery Technologies Corp.) When it comes to the Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution, the future is imminent and those who have adopted this next level lifestyle agree that what they need is power … an...

New tech and a collaboration to address rehabilitation of mine tailings

EnviroGold Global Ltd (CSE:NVRO) (OTCQB: ESGLF) is a technology company enabling the global mining industry to monetize valuable metals contained in mine waste & tailings, reduce mine closure & environmental liabilities, improve social license & sustainable environmenta...
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