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A ‘Barrier’ to Better Health

(Click image to play podcast) The blood-brain barrier plays an essential role in protecting the brain from blood-borne disease. But is also one of medicine’s great paradoxes – a system designed to protect the most sensitive region of the body bu...

The Revolutionary Co. That’s Breaking Through the Blood Brain Barrier

(Click image to play video) Delivery of therapeutics across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and into the brain has been the single greatest challenge to treating hundreds of common and rare neurological diseases, including brain cancers, neurodegenerative diseases...

Bringing the World Closer With a Language App

Hello Pal is a social mobile messaging app that surpasses the language learning barrier and be communicating with anyone around the world within minutes. You start searching out people to learn a language, and talk in a language that you&CloseCurlyQuo...

Junior Miners in 2020

What does 2020 have in store for the junior mining sector? I wish I had a crystal ball but I believe that finally the junior mining investors will be rewarded broadly from 2020-2022. 2019 was a good year for gold and gold stocks in general but unlike the majors, not all juni...

Feb 28th 2020, Silver Chartbook – The weakest link

The weakest link The weakest link is you . That is not always easy to admit, but it is factual, that the main cause for large draw downs is human error. The list of errors in market participation is long. For example running stops or sitting frozen behind the monitor ...

New proposal puts Macarthur Minerals’ (ASX:MIO) rail link on track

Macarthur Minerals (MMS) has received a key proposal, regarding its planned rail link at the Lake Giles Iron Project in Western Australia’s Yilgarn Region Through the proposal, Macarthur Minerals and Arc Infrastructure will begin developing a commerc...

A Revolution in Healthcare. A Transformative Investment Opportunity.

(Click image to play video) While the global COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on health and humanity over the past 12-month-plus, it has also invited a host of creative and innovative solutions to meet the needs of people who require a medical attention witho...

Bioasis Technologies: A Very BIG Year in Review

It’s been a very busy, big and ambitious year for Bioasis Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V.BTI , OTC:BIOAF , Forum ) – a biopharmaceutical company focused on revolutionizing science by transporting therapeutic payloads across the blood-brain barrier and...

Buzz on the Bullboards: A diagnosis on the health of the economy

It has been a bit of a stalemate for North American markets this week as indices nudged one way or another. Earnings report have been rolling in, with some major U.S. banks reporting a slowdown in profits, others saw better-than-expected earnings. Traders are tracking an ...

Bitcoin and Copper: A Surprising Connection

As Bitcoin continues to gain traction, an unexpected link to copper is becoming increasingly evident. As Bitcoin’s growth accelerates, so does the demand for copper. Projections indicate a 20% increase in global copper demand by 2035, reaching 30 million m...
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